Pokemon help my friend!

jirachi 55

Aspiring Trainer
My friend liked pokemon, but his parens grounded him from it! And then, after that,he barely liked pokemon. Then, he hated pokemon after a few days!!!!! And now, all he dose is play "shoot-em-up" games about pokemon!!!!! And watches kill pokemon shorts, and you don`t want to know about the gamecube game.

Sorry, it`s parents not parens. I was in a hurry.

Please do not "shout" or "yell" when posting; people will still read what you have to say. ~DRK176
Maybe he is not into it really yet. Give him a few months and see what happens. It took me a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg time to getinto pokemon. About 1 year.:)
But, it`s been a year, and he alwayes rushing up to me and saying, POKEMON`S GAY!!!!!!! and runs away.
Doesn't seem like there is a way to help an idiot like that I would just ignore him since he’s not acting like a real friend.
jirachi 55 said:
But, it`s been a year, and he alwayes rushing up to me and saying, POKEMON`S GAY!!!!!!! and runs away.

Please change your wording because the wording is bad for the site.:)
Please read the rules at the top of the page very carefully or you could get banned and 3 of them means game over for you ok.:)
How is that bad wording? O.O

People are always saying "Pokemon is gay", big deal! And the way it was used was ok, and not against the rules. <.<

Please read this 5 times, so you can understand, ok? :)
I don't see anything wrong with it. Some people will think that Pokemon is lame, childish, etc. But to others, they are good and all. We just really can't change anybodys' opinions, it is up to them and not us. Plus, it isn't our fault that he got grounded, he must have spent too much time on Pokemon. Like for me, I only spend my time on Pokebeach and Netbattle at night cos' that's usually when I'm free. I spend time on TCG on Saturdays and the other days would be for school activities, studies and volleyball practice. That's what he should've done, but he didn't now did he?
Each of us have different opinions about Pokemon. ArmaldoEX is right too. At the current moment, the only two people at my school that play Pokemon are Absol and I. So everybody else just calls us lame. In fact, they spit on the cards that Absol brought to school. Well, most of my classmates used to play, but they grew out of it.
Well, at my school, the TCG is almost nonexistant (I'm the only one so far) but the game is pretty popular.

About your friend... you should either ignore him (don't react) whenever he's being an obnoxious jerk and don't raise up the topic of Pokémon whenever he's around. Or avoid him completely. You can hate it without being an obnoxious jerk. Obnoxious jerks do not deserve to be listened to. Either that, or you can counter his annoying statements buy asking him why.
mabe he really dosent like the game and he playing so he has something to do with you
Thanks everybody!
P.s. Hey, MetronOob, where did you get the Clefable?
All the "cool" kids at my school are all like, "Oh I like sports blah blah blah pokemon stinks blah blah blah oh, let`s go pick on someone." ,well, they wont let us express ouselves.
my x firend was like this and he got me so mad i punch him in the face and he cried and now every one makes fun of him and now no one cares that i like pokemon and im only one of two who like it at my school and the down side i got suppend for 2 days got ground for 4 lol but i nevr bring it up a school only to me clostest friends and they dnot even care i jsut dont talk aobut it and its ok and for 3 monthes pokemon a my school was cool again im in 8th grade

Anyways at my School I don't bring up Pokemon cards.
A bunch of my friends like Mysterious Dungeon and the original RPGs. But I don't think they know i paly TCG, because know one comes over my house. Basically for everyone in my class but me it's ski club then freeze themselves at Crocker Park the whole day, then they sit down and do bad things.

Plus I'm going to a High Scholl that nobody else in my school is going to I don't really care if they found out.

Anyways about your friend, just when your around him don't bring up Pokemon a lot but if your concerned then ask him if he likes it. If he says know than just say you don't.
Andyman said:

Anyways at my School I don't bring up Pokemon cards.
A bunch of my friends like Mysterious Dungeon and the original RPGs. But I don't think they know i paly TCG, because know one comes over my house. Basically for everyone in my class but me it's ski club then freeze themselves at Crocker Park the whole day, then they sit down and do bad things.

Plus I'm going to a High Scholl that nobody else in my school is going to I don't really care if they found out.

Anyways about your friend, just when your around him don't bring up Pokemon a lot but if your concerned then ask him if he likes it. If he says know than just say you don't.

Why don't you bring?Huh.In our foundation day, our school sells individual cards and they do not get comfiscated.Its even like they support it.There are even battles going on around the campus.Anyways, about your friend, hmmmmm.....lets see....just let him do whatever he wants, I mean he's not the only one playing pokemon you know right?