HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 21 down. Done for the season.

RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

Is Mansfield happening on the 3rd? if yes then i'm sad..
also IDK if I'm going to any next weekend, almost for sure on chardon now, but IDK about columbus i have a guaranteed ride but i kinda want to go to the browns game...uggggh....decisions blow...
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

Go to the Browns game so I can go to Columbus, lol.

@Henry, are you driving up here Friday?
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!


If you were driving up here Friday you could've stopped over and we could have playtested. I don't wanna play Carl unless he's not going for sure. Also, record some of my games please.
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

Lol if you wanna let me and my mom stay at your house :p
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

You'd have to like sleep in the road, we have like no space left in the house after Christmas decorating. And I wanna make T2 just so you can videotape my game. :)
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

Haha ok, drew brings his Top Cut recording stuff to columbus ones.
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

I'm talking about Chardon, lol. :)

I highly doubt I'm going to be able to go to Columbus. I'll ask though. Because I couldn't go to Hilliard because my mom had to do work around the house and stuff. Where is it in Columbus?
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

Its on OSU campus. Chris is gonna film my top 2, so if hat finishes before yours starts then sure you can get filmed.
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

If you make Top 2. :p

What if Ty, Adler, Austin, and someone else good comes? Then what? But you could film my swiss (time before Seniors Top Cut). I'm sure we'll have like 5-6 rounds, and you'll have one less.
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

They won't come, because Mansfeild is 2 hours closer for adler and over 3 hours closer for ty
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 1 down 22 to go!

I'll tell them to come. >:)

But tell me on AIM what deck you're playing for Saturday.
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 7 down 17 to go!

You in Florida now? Is it warm? :(
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 7 down 17 to go!


Forever jealous. Maybe I can convince my parents to take me to next year's marathon. Remember to find my CoL energy if you could.
RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 7 down 17 to go!

Are you running the same deck at every cities? if so, care to share what it is?