• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Hiro's Trading Thread


Aspiring Trainer
United States

1. Ref Rules of course. If we are the same, we will discuss something.
2. My Deals are not Confirmed until we exchange address's via PM, please keep that in mind.
3. I will CYL, and I also like offers!
4. Please don't rip me.
5. I will update often, please keep checking back
6. I live in the United States, if that is problem in trading, please let me know.
7. If you live outside of the US or Canada, please let me know.

Now onto the cards!

Current Trades:

My: Professor playmat (Sealed) His: Blaziken FB lvl X Blastoise PT Crobat Prime

My: 1x Uxie Lv. X, 1x Typhlosion Prime for His: 1x Crobat Prime, 1x Floatzel GL Lv. X

His: Floatzel GL Lv XFloatzel GL My: T-tar Prime Raikou/Entei Legend Piece


1x Kingdra Prime
1x Tyranitar Prime
1x Luxray GL LV X
Xx Judge

Low Wants:


Non-Card Wants

Raikou Plush
Entei Plush
Suicune Plush


Level X

1x Heatran LV X (Tin Promo)
2x Giratina LV X (1x Tin Version and 1x Pack Version)
1x Infernape 4 LV X
1x Garchomp C LV X (Pack Version)
1x Stararaptor FB Lv X
1x Salamance LV X


1x Meganium Prime (Pack Version)
2x Blissey Prime
1x Ampharos Prime
1x Donpahn Prime
1x Typhlosion Prime (Pack Version)
2x Lanturn Prime
3x Steelix Prime
1x Ursaring Prime
1x Kingdra Prime


1x Lugia Legend Top Half
1x Lugia Legend Bottom Half
1x Ho-Oh Legend Top Half
1x Ho-Oh Legend Bottom Half
1x Suicune & Entei Legend Top half
1x Suicune & Entei Legend Bottom Half
1x Entei & Raikou Legend: Bottom Half

Staff Stamped Promos:

1x Pichi (HGSS)
1x Tropius
1x Gible
2x Raichu (Arceus)
1x Milotic
1x Gabite (State Promo)
1x Blastoise (Unleashed)

Random Other Items:

Pokemon Professor Mat
Pokemon Professor Sleeves
Pokemon Professor 4 Pocket Binder



3x Jirachi
2x Magmortar (1x RH)
2x Manaphy
2x Mismagius
3x Octillery
2x Politoed
2x Shaymin
2x Sudowoodo
2x Torterra (1x RH)
2x Xatu (1x RH)
2x Beedrill
1x Blastoise
3x Crobat
3x Fearow
3x Floatzel (1x RH)
3x Kingdra
3x Lanturn
3x Lucario
3x Ninetales
2x Poliwrath
3x Primeape
4x Roserade
3x Steelix
3x Torkoal
3x Tyranatar
2x Urasaring

HeartGold SoulSilver

3x Arcainine (2x RH)
1x Clefable
2x Gyarados
3x Hitmontop (1x RH)
1x Noctowl
1x Quagsire
1x Shuckle (RH)
2x Wobbuffet (1x RH)
2x Ampharos
4x Ariados (1x RH)
4x Butterfree (1x RH)
2x Cleffa (1x RH)
3x Exeggutor
2x Farfetch'd
5x Feraligatr (1x Starter Deck Holo)
1x Furret
4x Granbull (3x RH)
5x Hypno (1x RH)
4x Lapras
1x Ledian
2x Meganium
4x Pichu (1x RH)
2x Sandslash (1x RH)
3x Smoochum (1x RH)
2x Sunflora
3x Typhlosion
2x Tyrogue


1x Froslass
1x Heatran
1x Kabutops
1x Luxray
1x Mothim
1x Probopass
1x Toxicroak
1x Zapdos G
2x Aerodactyl
2x Cherrim
2x Gengar (1x RH) (16/99)
1x Glalie
1x Golem
2x Hariyama
1x Lopunny
1x Manectric
1x Omastar (1x RH)
2x Pelipper
1x Pichu
2x Porygon-Z G
3x Raichu
2x Rapidash
1x Raticate
1x Sceptile (1x RH) (30/99)
2x Sceptile (31/99)
2x Spiritomb

1x Arceus (Dark)
2x Arcues (Water)
1x Arcues (Colorless)
1x Arcues (Psychic)
1x Arcues (Fightning)
2x Arcues (Metal)

Supreme Victors

2x Absol G (1x RH)
2x Electivire FB (1x RH)
1x Garchomp (1x RH)
1x Magmortar
1x Metagross
1x Regigigas FB
1x Rhyperior
1x Staraptor FB
1x Swampert
2x Venusaur (1x RH)
2x Yanmega (1x RH)
2x Butterfree FB (1x RH)
2x Camperupt
1x Camperupt G
1x Charizard G
1x Chimecho
1x Claydol
1x Crawdaunt G
2x Dewgong
1x Dodrio
1x Exploud
2x Honchkrow (1x RH)
1x Lickilicky C
1x Lucario C
1x Lunatone
1x Mawile
1x Medicham
1x Moltres
2x Parasect
2x Primeape (1x RH)
1x Roserade C
1x Sableye G
2x Sandslash
1x Shedinja
2x Solrock (1x RH)
1x Spinda
1x Wailord
1x Zapdos

Rising Rivals

1x Arcanine
1x Bastidon GL
3x Darkrai G (1x RH)
2x Floatzel GL
2x Flygon
1x Froslass GL
4x Jirachi (1x Rh)
2x Lucario Gl
1x Mismagius GL
1x Rampardos GL
2x Roserade Gl
2x Shiftry (1x RH)
4x Beedrill (1x RH)
2x Flareon
3x Gallade 4
3x Gastrodon (east Sea) (1x RH)
3x Gastrodon (Weat Sea)
2x Golem 4
2x Heracross 4
3x Jolteon
3x Mamoswine GL (1x RH)
4x Mr. Mime 4 (1x RH)
3x Nidoking (1x RH)
1x Nidoqueen (1x RH)
1x Raichu GL (1x RH)
3x Rhyperior 4 (1x RH)
2x Vespiqueen 4
2x Vaporeon
2x Walrein (1x Rh)
1x Yanmega 4


1x Ampharos (1x RH)
1x Blastoise
1x Delcatty
1x Dialga G (1x RH)
2x Giratina (1x Rh) (9/127)
1x Giratina (10/127)
1x Manectric
2x Palkia (2x RH)
1x Shaymin (14/127)
1x Weavile G (1x Rh)
1x Banette
2x Empoleon
1x Giratina (27/127)
1x Giratina (28/127)
1x Ludicolo
1x Ninetales
1x Shaymin (38/127)


1x Dusknoir (1/110)
3x Lumineon (1x RH)
2x Magnezone
1x Sceptile (1x RH)
1x Torterra
3x Abomasnow
3x Bronzong
4x Cherrim (1x RH)
1x Dusknoir (1x RH)
2x Gengar
1x Machamp
3x Mamoswine
2x Rapidash
1x Scizor
2x Tyranitar

Legends Awakened

1x Dragonite (Nationals Promo)
1x Froslass
1x Giratina
1x Spiritomb
1x Armaldo
1x Azelf
2x Groudon (1x Rh)
2x Kyogre (1x Rh)
3x Mesprit (1x RH)
1x Regigigas
2x Torkoal
Rep Thread made, so it's good.


dmaster out.
Can you check my list for these?

Professor Sleeves (if sealed)
Professor Mat (if sealed)
I wish you had more wants --

I have a blastoise PT

I am in need of:
Donphan prime
Tyranitar prime
Politoed UL
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Top Half
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Bottom Half
1x Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half

Plz CML.
cml for
1x Garchomp C LV X (Pack Version)
Tyranitar Prime
Lanturn Prime
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Top Half
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Bottom Half
1x Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half
1x Jirachi
2x Magmortar (1x RH)
1x Manaphy
1x Mismagius
2x Octillery
1x Politoed
1x Shaymin
Hi there!

Could you CML for
x1 Lanturn PRIME
x1 Tyranitar PRIME

LMK ( i have 1 BTS unlisted if wondering little bent though :p)
1x Lanturn Prime
2x Steelix Prime
1x Tyranitar Prime
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Top Half
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Bottom Half
1x Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half

Please CML for these. Thanks!

I happen to have a Blastoise from Platinum.
I'm interested in a Kingdra from Unleashed.

Let me know what you think, okay?

Rhyperior Lv. X (Pack) ($10)


Professor Sleeves ($8)


LMK or Counter.

I have Crobat Prime.

Im interested in these;
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Top Half
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Bottom Half

cml for professor sleeves, Raikou & Suicune Legend Top Half, Raikou & Suicune Legend Bottom Half, and Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half
Please CML for 1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Top Half
1x Raikou & Suicune Legend Bottom Half
1x Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half
1x Donpahn Prime
Pokemon Professor Mat
Pokemon Professor Sleeves
Pokemon Professor 4 Pocket Binder