Hop’s Zacian ex, Mamoswine ex, and More from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

Is it, though? I'll admit that choosing Hop is probably more due to Zacian than anything, but I'd also argue that any relevant Steel-type user worth picking also has their own bunch of Pokemon that have been done to death and are not very interesting picks either. At least Hop is interesting and is more than just a GL/E4. And that's neat.

Normal has even worse representation and I will admit that not having any of Larry's Pokemon headline the set is a crime.

Lillie, N, Iono - these are all no brainers when trying to sell a set like this and they all have iconic (boring) Pokemon. We also haven't seen the whole set yet, so it's entirely possible that there will be some sleeper goated picks. Arven's Cloyster ex?
Bastiodon, Bronzong, and Probopass for Byron? Of these, only Bronzong has seen a lot of prints and none of these would-be headliners have ever been multi-prize. Or easy mode, you just pick Steven and pay special attention to Cradily and Armaldo (by no sane definition pokemon who have been done to death) along with his Claydol instead of just Metagross and Aggron. Hop is "fine" but given that it seems more like it's colorless with one colored anchor ex than a metal archetype, his really could have been almost anyone with a different anchor. Examples that immediately come to mind include Norman or Winona. If he's popular in japan, I'll give that to him, but being the best character in Sword & Shield just makes you the winner of one of many mid-offs.

Larry meanwhile needs to stop getting cards until they hire someone to draw him actually looking good. (Not that it's any of the artists' fault his actual design that exists and that they are obligated to adhere to is a lot worse than the version of him that exists in our heads.) And even if a high profile Cloyster might be nice to see, make no mistake, the last thing this set needs is a second stinker from Scarlet and Violet, much less another rival. Could you imagine if Gym Heroes had had a lineup consisting of like, Misty, Green (male rival), Copycat, and Bill? (Well unfortunately the example of how bland it could be yielded two actually interesting characters in the "obvious joke suggestion" slots so maybe I'm not very good at examples...)
Bastiodon, Bronzong, and Probopass for Byron? Of these, only Bronzong has seen a lot of prints and none of these would-be headliners have ever been multi-prize. Or easy mode, you just pick Steven and pay special attention to Cradily and Armaldo (by no sane definition pokemon who have been done to death) along with his Claydol instead of just Metagross and Aggron. Hop is "fine" but given that it seems more like it's colorless with one colored anchor ex than a metal archetype, his really could have been almost anyone with a different anchor. Examples that immediately come to mind include Norman or Winona. If he's popular in japan, I'll give that to him, but being the best character in Sword & Shield just makes you the winner of one of many mid-offs.

Larry meanwhile needs to stop getting cards until they hire someone to draw him actually looking good. (Not that it's any of the artists' fault his actual design that exists and that they are obligated to adhere to is a lot worse than the version of him that exists in our heads.) And even if a high profile Cloyster might be nice to see, make no mistake, the last thing this set needs is a second stinker from Scarlet and Violet, much less another rival. Could you imagine if Gym Heroes had had a lineup consisting of like, Misty, Green (male rival), Copycat, and Bill? (Well unfortunately the example of how bland it could be yielded two actually interesting characters in the "obvious joke suggestion" slots so maybe I'm not very good at examples...)
I said relevant. The Pokemon you listed would be great picks but Byron would be the biggest head scratcher of a choice. Fossil Pokemon unfortunately are memes so they will never headline a set unless PCL gets their shit together and revamps the fossil mechanic into something usable.

Hop being Colorless + Zacian is fine. I'll concede that his inclusion is a bit superfluous given that they are already milking Marnie, but if he's really that popular in Japan then I guess it's not that surprising. There are certainly worse choices out there.
No, there isn't. Electrode is 027 and Tadbulb is 029.

Any chance that 028 is Tera Mismagius maybe…? Well, probably not. If it is a Trainer’s Pokémon, it would pretty much have to be Hop’s Pincurchin, unless it ends up as some random Electric like Togedemaru.
I said relevant. The Pokemon you listed would be great picks but Byron would be the biggest head scratcher of a choice. Fossil Pokemon unfortunately are memes so they will never headline a set unless PCL gets their shit together and revamps the fossil mechanic into something usable.

Hop being Colorless + Zacian is fine. I'll concede that his inclusion is a bit superfluous given that they are already milking Marnie, but if he's really that popular in Japan then I guess it's not that surprising. There are certainly worse choices out there.
Half of this year's Owner's Pokemon should probably come from what you might consider "head scratchers" lest it just be a miserable and boring pile of rivals and champions and not much else. And Fossils don't need revamping, they literally just need good cards, and you aren't going to get that unless a major fossil user forces it to happen. Steven is the kind of character who would make that happen.
Any chance that 028 is Tera Mismagius maybe…? Well, probably not. If it is a Trainer’s Pokémon, it would pretty much have to be Hop’s Pincurchin, unless it ends up as some random Electric like Togedemaru.
It isn't impossible but I personally wouldn't hold my breath.
What are the chances we get a Leon themed deck?
Someone will inevitably Own a Charizard this year, it's really just a matter of who and when. Leon would be more desirable than Green or Red using one, that's for sure. The only problem is that Leon would be another rainbow archetype (not that Green or Red wouldn't be, though) unless they went out of their way to align him more to fire and maybe one other color then filled in with monsters he doesn't actually use in-game.
Probably 0. I think its just gonna be Iono, Hop, N, and Lillie I feel like they would of already revealed cards for the other trainers if they existed
Yeah I meant for the whole year though sorry.
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Any chance that 028 is Tera Mismagius maybe…? Well, probably not. If it is a Trainer’s Pokémon, it would pretty much have to be Hop’s Pincurchin, unless it ends up as some random Electric like Togedemaru.
If there ends up being other Trainer’s mons in this set than the main 4, it’s probably Ethan’s Pichu.
ah, you're right, unless their appearance in the reveal was for later this year. and to be clear, if this set doesn't have a trainer's mon series for at least three of fire, water, grass, and fighting i think it's safe to say that they're cowards and failed miserably at the easiest task for a game like this possibly ever.
Probably 0. I think its just gonna be Iono, Hop, N, and Lillie I feel like they would of already revealed cards for the other trainers if they existed
You know this isn’t the only set with owner Pokémon right?
Nah, Gym Heroes actually committed fully to its theming. This is just a mishmash of whatever.
I don't really understand why everyone is complaining about this tbh, like if it was only trainers Pokémon then people would complain at the fact their favourite trainer didn't get an art, like this is probably the best way they could do it whilst giving every archetype depth and uniqueness whilst also giving arts to each trainer