Hop’s Zacian ex, Mamoswine ex, and More from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

I'm fine with Hop getting a card, I don't like him any less than say N or Iono. Also I do kinda like Zacian and Zamazenta, and that Zacian card looks fantastic.

If we truly are about to get a whole year of trainer's pokemon, then I think you guys are gonna need to accept that not every trainer in every set is what you would prefer...
Hop having a whole list of cards built around getting Zacian to hit the active spot for 120 for free sounds really fun, even though it requires getting three extra different types of cards onto the field to pull it off 😂

overall Iono's mana ramping and card draw effects sound more fun for an archetypal set, would love to see any of these trainer decks actually see competitive play if there's enough consistency lol