How Did You Do At Your States?


Mommy, I lol'ed my pants...
As we all know the first week of US states was yesterday sooo.... how did you do?

I got 3rd seed into T4 with Donphan with techs, but lost my first match to Glistomb and ended up in 4th. Next week the trophy will be half the number and double the size!!!!!

So, how did you do at your states?
I'm going to South Carolina tommorow and Georgia on the 20th. I hope that there'll be lots of great competition and that I;ll have a good report to post here (Maybe a 1st place one)
I already went to mine. I failed lol. 2-3. It was my first states and since the UK only has 4, the best players go to each one

Decreasing my chances :/
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG States tomorrow!! I think I should do well, the New Mexico Metagame consists of like a decent tyranitar some lame electrike roughs and a good blazeray, oh and a haymaker.
kashmaster said:
I already went to mine. I failed lol. 2-3. It was my first states and since the UK only has 4, the best players go to each one

Decreasing my chances :/

I'm guessing your regionals where actually in your region though, btw do you know which decks got top 2, ( this question can be extended to anyone else who knows and wants to tell, there will be people asking for other threads anyway)
going Oregon tomorrow... using HoPe. not worried in the slightest =D
maybe Washington next week as well, depending if my friend lets me sleep over or not
I can't go to IN but at OH I might be able to get a T4(if one particular deck is overplayed :p
I'm just hoping to get T8 really, I got 9th last year at my first ever state.
Florida states tomorrow. =\ I'm biting nails...
Florida is a VERY competitive state and I expect to see everything from donphan, gyarados, every sp variant possible, flygon variants, cursegar, to random decent rouges, ugh...I hate it lol.
In my states, the top-cutting decks were SP, mostly Luxchomp and Dialgachomp, and Flygon/Machamp. It was tons of Donphan, Jumpluff and such, but those decks played at the lower tables eventually. Gyarados did surprisingly bad too. Cursegar was there, but didn't grand, losing mostly to SP with Mewtwo counters.
well i'm out of here. I'm heading to Toronto to play at the porvincals.

I'm waiting for you Mr. Ferrari.

Going to albertas provincials next Saturday. Don't even know what to play. Hope I T8. Last year at my first provincials I got 2nd after making it to the finals with autozone XD.