How do you call your pokebeach friends?


you call its going to be all over BABY
here is mine with nicknames and short names

its geo baby= RHMW

so how do you call your buddies?
Lickilicky Guy: L_G
Dark Marc: DM
I usualy get called Dez xD

Tip The Milkman = Tippy or Tip
JustSomeKid = Kid
Vencargo = Ven
I have others..sorry If I didn't mention you
I HATE IT when people call me Julia. Juliacoolo is fine, so is JC.

I try to call people their full name, since some abreviations make people mad.
Well, I have friends, but I just call them by their username.

Some people have called me PC, before..
I love Lickilicky_Guy, he's awsome <3<3<3<3

Lickilikcy_Guy= LG
MagmaKing= Harry :3
llucario=Umm I just say hey to her and I sometimes call her lulu
I'll be your friend FireMeowth *dramatic music*

Mai the Milkman = Maii
BlackCharizard# = =Char
Hell, my name is valk, but you may call valk.
I call them by their Forum names, sometimes real life names. Never abbreviations.

dmaster out.
d master is my now.

D Meistro.

j.k. :3

kidblader: KB
TrickShop: Shop
Fizz: Fizzy
let's all be friends...of TFO!
We are the people...
I think that most pokebeach members are named by their username abreviation.
Lickilicky Guy: L_G
Dark Marc: DM
Phoenix: Mason
jack8dude: Bubba
chimchar407: 407
Jedi7: Kyle
celebi1: Cel
soxrcol: seth
Darkrai1246: Nick
Elite Stride: Stride
[ImpulseRaquaza]: Ryan (I think)
Dia: Dia
ghostface86: Ghost

LOL thats my whole BL and call me CC please not C_C. C_C looks like a weird face :/

C_C. is a cool abbreviation.
Please can I call you it?

@ D master

Light Venusaur: LV because LV calls me Yumi, hooray!
WPM: <Name is somehow cencored not really>
DFB: dukey
Rummage: Senor Hatter
Everyone else: Radian