Pokemon How do you say pokemon?



It's a bit embarrassing that I don't know this, but I hear so many versions, I want to know the right one. I use po-kee-mon, but I've heard


Does any one know the real pronounceation?
Technically, it's the 3rd one (If you need proof, look up the original themesong on YouTube or something) But everybody says either the 1st or 2nd one.
I usually pronounce it like option 3. But sometimes I say it like option 1, so it's somewhat confusing...
I used to say the 2nd one, but now I say the 3rd. (he-he... "Po-kay-mon" :p)
Most people just say either one, two, or three. I've never heard anyone say four before... so I'd go with 1, 2, and 3 on how to pronounce it. Maybe the accent has an effect.
I think three sounds exaturated, and 2 sounds weird pok uuuuhhhh mon.
I read the Japanese pronouciation; "ke" is pronouced like... well, for lack of a better example, "Ken". It's why there's a little dash above the é, it's to pronounce it directly.
Lets see...
* Pronouncing*
Po-KE-mon... Po-KI-mon... Po-Kuh-mon..
NAH! I stick with Po-Ke-Mon! :p
Actually, in the official guide (when the series came out) it says to pronounce it "Po-kay-mon"