ive been in the pokemon world since i was 5 ten years now that was the tcg good ale times and started playing the games about 4 years ago.
Shiningmilotic said:^^It could be worse, we were sent to the principals office with a detention and they put my best friend's japanese holo typholision in the paper shredder-and made him watch it!That is like super torture for an 8 year old. He would have rather gotten beat up than lost his card! Yu-gi-oh cards were banned too and Beyblades. :/
For me, since 1998 too!massively addicted since I was in 1st grade!! I still have some of my old pokemon stuff
hahaha im 20 and still buying pokemon cards from target
I will admit, the nostalgia I get from pokemon is addictive and an amazing feeling. So much I will share some of my memories!!
I miss playing with my tomy toys most of all. Before school, when I was allowed to have pokemon in my mother's first marriage, my mom woke me up early to watch pokemon and she would give me cookie monster cookies. I miss spending the night at my friend's houses-bringing my massive tomy figure collection and burger king toys in my backpack. We would have pretend pokemon battles and trade toys!!Man, when the cards came out everyone flipped out!!!! All my friend's moms bought like 20 packs and back then you would get a nice rare holo-not ending up with a reverse holographic caterpie!
I tried so hard to get all the burger king toys-I asked to spend the night at my grandmas every weekend cuz she always took me out to eat! XD I remember playing the games and being like super into battling everyone at the Boys and Girls Club. They even had pokemon battle contests back on the gameboy/gameboy color!!!!! I have books from 2000 that are pokemon collector books like the cards, flip cards, plushies, Burger King toys, tomy toys, games, etc. It feels sooo goood just to look in there and remember when those items were being sold in Walmart. Pokemon is definitely the highlight of my life, hahah other than my wonderful spouse
I honeslty consider myself super-lucky to have started elementary school when pokemon came out, it grew up with me kinda.
That principal is lucky to be alive at this point.^^It could be worse, we were sent to the principals office with a detention and they put my best friend's japanese holo typholision in the paper shredder-and made him watch it!
Delta said:Born in May '96
Pokemon released in October '96 (EU)
Pokemon Red first game ever played and one of my favorite games (and best Pokemon game). Of course, it wasn't until I was a few years older when I could fully appreciate it. For so long I was the only one I knew that had any extensive knowledge on Pokemon, until I joined here and I have learned so much since. So yeah, Pokemon Red is like the brother I never had. I collected the TCG like any sane kid did from the age of 4 I think and built up a sizable collection, again, this is all the old cards. I'm just old fashioned like that. Then the school banned it and I couldn't find anyone to trade with so I stopped collecting them.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:Wait, '96? I could swear they were released in the latter half of 1998 over here. 1996 was the Japanese release date, iirc.