Pokemon How much is enough?

Delta said:
.MR/AS will be awfull. And no more remakes should be made. R/B/G/S were remade just because of the graphics and they were the best games. If they are going to remake R/S then why not remake the remakes?

(Don't get all mardy because this is just my opinion.)

I was thinking the same thing. go FR/LG remakes! I'm' sure they're going to make them.
So long as TPCi can continue coming up with decent ideas for Pokemon, the more the better! I love how many Pokemon there are these days; the variety makes for an experience with more possibilities for personalization, I think.
I'm on the fence about fifth Gen. Some of them Where really dumb, like I hated all of the starters, but some of them are super original. Like zebstrika. There hasn't been any zebra Pokemon. And to make it electric? Personally I thought that was the most original thing I've seen in a few generations.

Alot of you are confusing lack of originality and already familiar designs with general niches in an ecosystem. What happens in every game? You start off in a new region. Well no matter where you go in the real world there will always be a mammal at the bottom of the food chain. There will always always ALWAYS be a ratatta. There will always be a pidgey to eat the always exhisting caterpie there will always be aerodactyl fossils under aforementioned caterpie feasts. That's the way life works. Shakespeare said there is no such thing as an original idea, its all about how you present it. There will obviously be more bird and spider Pokemon. Big deal. I could probably come up with 10 different well thought out and visually appealing 1-1-1 lines of already established Pokemon niches. It isn't hard really. What's hard is trying to please everyone. Just because you claim to be a hardcore fan doesn't mean you have the mental capacity to understand that even if there are 29 more generations there will still be a Pokemon that is similar to zubat. Unless you plan on absolutely no caves in a region with absolutely no night time. Even then there will probably be a solar related sun bat. See what I just did? I thought of that in the time it took me to type the sentance. There aren't too many Pokemon. I'm confident that most people could say the name of a Pokemon if shown the respective picture.

I want to say to all the "hardcore" Pokemon fans that disliking the new gens because you where cool enough to play the old school games when you where 4 doesn't make you any more of a fan than anyone else. Real Pokemon fans are fans of Pokemon. Last time I checked the Pokemon in fifth gen where in fact Pokemon. So deal with it or go play/watch/collect/eventual complain about something else