Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

How much is.
Entei Raikou legend TOP
Entei Raikou Legend bottom
And Gengar lv.X
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

How much are these cards worth (in AUD if you can):

Jp Promo Neo 1 Cleffa
Alt. Art for Neo 2 Eevee
^All as 1 page/In a clear file

.::pre-Release Cards::.
Dark Gyarados
Misty's Seadra
TA's Cacnea
Dark Houndoom
Manectric (as a PR card~not an uncommon) (Viper: I can take a photo of my one if you'd like to add it to your collection)
Porygon 2
Buck's Training
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

@Light Venusaur – AUD is only off by 0.05-0.20¢ in many conversions, so these prices are (fairly) interchangeable with USD.

- Japanese Promo Cleffa = $5 (Unpeeled); $3 (Peeled)
- Japanese Eevee (NEO 2 Premium File Release) = $3
- Japanese Promo NEO Folder (9-Card Set) = $15 - $20 (Sealed); Individual Cards - It is roughly $5 for each Holo, and $1 for each of the Non-Holo cards.

Dark Gyarados and Misty's Seadra are both approximately $2 [each].
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Just asking, how much would each of these cards be (all english)(in USD)?
x1 Mew Prime
x1 Vileplume UD (NH)
x1 Vileplume UD (RH)
x1 Gengar Prime
x1 Seeker TM (NH) ~JS
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

@JaySamuel, I think Mew Prime is around $15 and Vileplume (NH) is around $5. No idea on the other ones, but I'm pretty sure those are the typical prices for Mew and VilePlume.

Does anyone know if the Dialga G LV.X Clash of Legends misprint (check the Weakness and Resistance) is worth more or less than the normal one?
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

@JaySamuel Gengar Prime seems to range in price from $30-$60
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

^Right now, it's $30-$40, but most people think it'll reach about $50-$55 once LostGar has some success (that is, if it lives up to the hype).
The price is rising, however, so if I had one, I'd keep it for now.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Absol Prime
Absol G Lv X
Dialga Palkia Legend (Both halves)

How much are they worth? Thanks
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

How much would Latias Gold Star (EX Deoxys) be worth? Thanks!
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.


Latias ☆ (English, WC) = $10 - $20
Latias ☆ (English, Holo) = $40 - $70
Latias ☆ (Japanese, Holo) = $50 - $80; It has been fairly steady between $60 - $70

I wasn't sure which version you meant, so I listed all [EX Deoxys] versions. I suspect you were referring to the English (Holo), though.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

How much are sealed Player Holo energy set worth? The ones you get from playing in so many tournaments.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

@mr.619 - There are several holofoil energy sets in the Pokémon TCG. You mentioned 'Player', though. Do you mean...

Japanese Pokémon Players Club Energy Set? [015/PLAY (Cyclone), 016/PLAY (Boost), 017/PLAY (Warp)]. These were a 2nd season subscription prize to continuing players who renewed their membership. It is very rare to find them sealed nowadays – if ever.

Unsealed: $5 - $11 [each].
Sealed: ...I have no clue. I've never seen one in a plastic packet.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

^ *points* those are in the plastic packs there ;) It's only really with the EX and the Star cards from the PLAY series that see a massive spike in value if they're sealed and have original envelopes etc depending on what point rank they were.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

For now, regular Lost World seems to be worth about $10. I would guess RH is like $15 but there aren't any up for sale right now so it's a guess
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Only one has sold for $10 and the shipping is free:
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

I'd say 5-10, but will probably eventually settle at 5 (similar to collector)