Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. said:
There weren't really more around, it was more the JP collecting market for non-JP collectors was.. still very small. At least compared to now, anyway. I got real lucky with my snag on that, and I'm still amazed to this day that I got it at such a good price.

I don't have any current auction links for a set, but one set of e2 just went for $175 on eBay ( ). Given e2 to e5 retain a similar core value, that's pretty awesome. I'll keep my eyes peeled, if I see a 'zard or an e5 set going for a good rate I'll let you know.

Thanks for the help and info.

safariblade said:
safariblade said:
safariblade said:
I have a question of my own...
Would a set of every Common/Uncommon in CoL be worth $7?
All are non-holo.
What do you guys think?

I sold a complete (non holo) uncommon COL set for £5 on eBay within a few days.

I've had 10 common (non holo) COL sets on eBay for almost 3 weeks at £3 each buy it now, non have sold.

To answer your question, I would say yeah $7 is worth it.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Can somebody give me a hand with what I should be charging for these? And can all help be sent through PM please? Thanks!

Rares for offer:

-EX FireRed + LeafGreen

Magneton 27/112 x 2


Parasect 27/147* x 1

Commons for offer:

-Black + White Base Set

Purrloin 66/114 x 1

Patrat 78/114 x 1

Lillipup 81/114 x 1

-Call of Legends

Riolu 50/95 x 1

Mareep 63/95 x 1

-EX FireRed + LeafGreen

Magnemite 68/112 x 2

Krabby 66/112 x 1

Pidgey 73/112 x 1

Kakuna 36/112 x 1

Bulbasaur 55/112 x 3

Weedle 86/112 x 1

- This card has a slight bend in the upper left of the card. It doesn't make much difference to the appearance, but I can take a photograph if you want.

Paras 72/112 x 1

Seel 78/112 x 1

-EX Team Rocket Returns

Dratini 52/109 x 1

-EX Unseen Forces

Snubbull 74/115 x 2

Natu 63/115

Oddish 64/115 x 1

Spinarak 75/115 x 1

All help will be appreciated.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

25 cents each.

How much is the entire BW set with all the RHs worth?
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

~$115 probably maybe less depending on the fluctuating Full Holo prices
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Bloop said:
Can somebody give me a hand with what I should be charging for these? And can all help be sent through PM please? Thanks!

Rares for offer:

-EX FireRed + LeafGreen

Magneton 27/112 x 2


Parasect 27/147* x 1

Commons for offer:

-Black + White Base Set

Purrloin 66/114 x 1

Patrat 78/114 x 1

Lillipup 81/114 x 1

-Call of Legends

Riolu 50/95 x 1

Mareep 63/95 x 1

-EX FireRed + LeafGreen

Magnemite 68/112 x 2

Krabby 66/112 x 1

Pidgey 73/112 x 1

Kakuna 36/112 x 1

Bulbasaur 55/112 x 3

Weedle 86/112 x 1

- This card has a slight bend in the upper left of the card. It doesn't make much difference to the appearance, but I can take a photograph if you want.

Paras 72/112 x 1

Seel 78/112 x 1

-EX Team Rocket Returns

Dratini 52/109 x 1

-EX Unseen Forces

Snubbull 74/115 x 2

Natu 63/115

Oddish 64/115 x 1

Spinarak 75/115 x 1

All help will be appreciated.

Anybody? Even if you just know a few or have an idea, all will be appreciated.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Oh sorry, I thought you were talking to somebody else. Even the rares?
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

No more than 75 cents for both of them.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

About $30. Dropped in price by about 50% once the rotation announcement was made o_O
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

thefleeee said:
How much would a Shaymin UL be after rotation or now

Shaymin Unleashed is currently worth $3 it might go up after rotation.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Ursaring Prime
Gatr Prime
2x Blissey
DCL top
Slowking Prime
Amphy Prime
ERL full

50ish rare bulk, including 5 holos and 5 rh
40 RH

All NM/M
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Hoe much is the promo Pidove BW 15?