Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

I'm thinking of buying a half box of Boundaries Crossed, does it matter if I take the right side or left side? or just pick random packs
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Anyone ever seen a foil Pikachu 12/17 (POP5) with the foil showing through the Pikachu? I've got one, but have no idea if this is a common occurrence or not.
I've got some pictures here:
It also has the upside down back printing that has been seen in the past, the last picture is right side up. Foil shows through Pikachu, but not Wailmer, but Pikachu should be the focus of the card.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Can anyone offer a guess as to how much a set of the Base Set 1st edition NON-foil cards is worth? So everything 17-102 and yep, shadowless. I'm considering whether a price I got is too high.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

w16807 said:
Can anyone offer a guess as to how much a set of the Base Set 1st edition NON-foil cards is worth? So everything 17-102 and yep, shadowless. I'm considering whether a price I got is too high.

I would guess around $200.

The C/UC is around $2 apiece with Rares being around $5-10 each.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

SoulWind said:
w16807 said:
Can anyone offer a guess as to how much a set of the Base Set 1st edition NON-foil cards is worth? So everything 17-102 and yep, shadowless. I'm considering whether a price I got is too high.

I would guess around $200.

The C/UC is around $2 apiece with Rares being around $5-10 each.

That is what I was expecting, thanks!
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

So what was the price you got mate?

w16807 said:
SoulWind said:
I would guess around $200.

The C/UC is around $2 apiece with Rares being around $5-10 each.

That is what I was expecting, thanks!
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

SoulWind said:
w16807 said:
Just a bit under, around $180.

I would say you got a fantastic deal if they're in NM/M condition. :)

That's good to know haha. I wasn't sure if they were actually worth that much at the time!
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Hey guys, first post here. Anyway I went out to walmart yesterday and bought some platinum packs. I didn't have any sleeves on me and I opened them up at another house. They had to be transported the way were but I was still very careful. But my Snorlax lv x and Garchomp C lv x ended up getting slightly bent. Here is how the bend for Snorlax is:

And this is Garchomp:

Apart from those bends they are mint with no scratches or creases. I don't want these cards to go to waste cause of some curve. Will it hurt the value much? And what steps can I take to flatten these? Thanks guys.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

I bended them a bit in the other direction and now they're straight again. And no, there aren't creases lol. But they've still got this very slight curve upwards on the bottom so I don't think I can advertise as mint?
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Price check please.

Misty's Treatment (Riding on Lapras CD promo)


Mint condition.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

On ebay it's been going anywhere from 35-45 Dollars.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Yeah, that's what they list it at, but has it been selling for that?
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

I can't imagine it to be much less than that since it is a very good card. the regular goes for around 20-30 dollars so it's more than that I suppose.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure if it was just high because of the hype.