Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

I guess you could say it is hyped, but 60 (although spreaded) for 1 is insane on a basic with 180HP.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Yeah, plus its typing. KO Raticate and Rattata (at the same time), Deino, and Tynamo.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

How much is Cynthia's Garchomp LVX worth? I just got it in a 4th gen collectors tin last week. The same era of tins as the Charizard and the Rayquaza. I know they have been out for a few years now but just curious. Thanks XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

The promo goes for around 2 dollars and the set one like 4 :/.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. no one knows the price of my card then. Must be ultra freakin rare then O.O
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

The Garchomp is only around $2.00? I thought it would be worth more since it is a promo and can be easily used in battle. Although the attack does miss but his ability packs a punch though.:) Thanks XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

That card is going only for $10.00 on Ebay??? When I got that card in original form I paid that much from my friend for it about 10 years ago for the non 1st edition card. That card should be selling for $20.00. Sounds like the person really wants to get rid of that card XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Base Electrode can be used as a Double Colorless Energy card if you don't have any of those type of cards and I can't remember his other attack but it is a good card. I think the double energy card part of that Electrode can be any type too but can't remember but I think so XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

That is still a little low. Someone is trying to undercut the price of the card and sell it cheap so it is not worth much. In mint condition that card sells for about $20.00 Don't take the fall for the cheap prices as it might be a fake. If it were real it would sell for about $20.00 XD. If I paid $10.00 10 years ago for the original base card then the 1st edition is worth twice as much XD. That is a $20.00 card if it is mint. Most card shops will sell it for that much XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Well eBay auctions show what people are willing to pay. You may think that card is WORTH that much, but people just aren't paying that much.
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Hmm weird because everyone I knew who had the card charged them $20.00 10 years ago. You would think it would be worth twice that much now XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

The market has changed a ton in 10 years. ;) You might have been able to sell it for more 3 or 4 years ago. The Pokemon hype was low and cards were rare. Pokemon has exploded again in the last few years and people are selling their old cards. I think since it's a lot more common now, it's not selling for as much. But in a few more years, you never know! :)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Wow. If I ever decide to sell but don't think I will ever. I would sell it for $200 no matter what because that is how much that card is worth XD.:) I am shocked on how high the base Charizard is for instance. That thing sell for almost $400.00 if that is a 1st edition mint card XD.:)
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

I found this Pikachu and Dragonite card from the first movie in mint condition. I also have this Jap Feraligatr card in near mint. (I got them from a flea market, the lady gave them both to me and a bulk of old cards for 5 bucks!)

This is the Feraligatr I was talking about, except it's in english. (This is the bad one, isn't it?)


RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Alright, so when I dug out my old binders, I found that I had a completed first four sets and I can't remember how much those are worth. The base set is complete shadowless with a few first edition.

I also found an Ex and Lv X card page, and I own Charizard Ex from FireRed LeafGreen. It has a little un-noticable crease in it, and I'm just wondering how much that is considered to be worth?
RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic.

Wariopower said:
Alright, so when I dug out my old binders, I found that I had a completed first four sets and I can't remember how much those are worth. The base set is complete shadowless with a few first edition.

I also found an Ex and Lv X card page, and I own Charizard Ex from FireRed LeafGreen. It has a little un-noticable crease in it, and I'm just wondering how much that is considered to be worth?

Each set complete probably worth $150.00 per set since you can buy full sets for that much. Might be closer to $200.00 if the full set was in mint. How good of condition is your base Charizard? Also if that is 1st edition that card is worth nearly $400.00 alone if it is mint. If it is regular and is mint then it runs around $150.00 alone XD. I don't know why it is so expensive but it is XD.:)