How to counter Regi move with Vilegar?


Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
I'm wondering how to stop a Regi move with vilegar. Regice sees play in my area (Gyarados & Gigas) and I'm wondering if anyone knows ways to stop it. Shadow room is the only thing I can think of, does anyone know something else? I'm talking about discarding trainers.
If you keep the Trainer Lock, they'll never be able to get them back and play them anyway. Just be sure to take it out with Shadow Room asap.

dmaster out.
If you keep the Trainer Lock, they'll never be able to get them back and play them anyway. Just be sure to take it out with Shadow Room asap.

dmaster out.

The problem is you won't do as much damage because they can get the trainers out of their hand.
amisheskimoninja said:
The problem is you won't do as much damage because they can get the trainers out of their hand.

Yeah, that's true. But the most will be four (and that's if they don't discard any Magikarps). That's also why I said asap. XD

Plus, you can take other Prizes with Shadow Room as well and use Poltergiest later in the match.

dmaster out.
i run blaziken FB in mine, not only does it counter dialga, it can also luring flame regice, and usually put them in a bad position if they dont have warp energy
Oh, someone hasn't thought of THAT yet (*cough* first comment *cough*)
He's referring to discarding trainers, not having your 'Tomb active.
Did you actually read my question petertclo?

So, so far the only counter is knock out Regice ASAP?
Scizorliscious said:
How about Luxray GL X? Costs a lot, but takes the effect of Reversal without the flip.
then what?
it can still use its power while active

and getting luxray active, lvled up, and retreated to something else is a pain without trainers. Youll have to waste a warp energy, which you might need later.
and oh ya, with trainer lock, its pretty much one use per game

blaziken stops its power from being used, and is reusable
Well I meant to KO it after you get it active. Which you have to do with Blaziken anyway...
Considering Luxray has free retreat (unlike Blaziken), it shouldn't be THAT difficult to retreat it... and it's just as easy to get active as Blaziken.
How does Blaziken stop Regice's power from being used? It is reusable, but for Luxray, there's always Seeker... I think you'd have to run it with Luxray.
Blaziken stops Regice's power by burning it thus causing special conditions stopping the use of it's power until it retreats.