How to get a consistent T2 Vileplume lock?


Like A Boss
Ok, so I run Mewcario Box with Vileplume. One of the main problems I have, is that I can't get Vileplume set up T2 consistantly. I almost always start off by using Prehistoric Wisdom, so I draw a lot of cards, but It is extremely difficult to get the lock up. I run a 2-1-2 with 3 rare Candy. Can anyone help me? how do other decks get the lock up consitently?
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be to put a baby pokemon as the active and don't attack. Then if your oppenent faints it you use twins to get Vileplume and Rare Candy. Or to get it more consistent. Add Electrode Prime and have him blow up. And use twins.
I was having the same problem as you, I was using Relicanth too. What I found to be the most effective and quickest fix is to play 3 Pokeball. They may be useless after you get out the Vileplume, but it will allow you to set it up much quicker. I am assuming you are already playing Communiation, if not, play that instead.
I was thinking I could also run Elm, but that takes up my supporter, and other than the pokemon I LZ, I don't really have any Evolved pokemon
Well it's not really needed to get Vileplume out T2. To do this consistently, you'd need to run a 4-1-4 line with 4 Rare Candy, 4 Communication and probably some other crazy stuff like 4 Tropical Beach, 2 Pichu, 2 Cleffa, a couple Elm's, etc. In order to get the lock going consistently, run 4 Twins with a 3-1-2 or 3-2-2 Vileplume line. That way, when they kill an Oddish you Twins for Vileplume and Rare Candy.
You should run twins. They are very nice in mewbox decks and any deck that needs the T2 Stage two. You just need to run a baby to get KO'd turn one
Another thing that you can do (only in Mewbox) is run a Leavanny tech. T1 LZ it, and make sure to have a benched Oddish. On your next turn just evolve into Gloom, and use Leavannys attack.
mawliekid said:
Well the only problem in doing that, is that it ruins all possible consistancy in my set up
But trying to consistently get a T2 Vileplume requires way too much of a space investment and ultimately ruins the entire purpose of the deck.

If Jason K does it, it can't be too far from the right way of doing it.
Why would you even run Relicanth in the first place? You're better off Starting with Mew over it to See Off T1. Running 4 Mew Primes help solve that consistency quite well or by running 4 Collector to get that T1 See Off or T2 at least. Sometimes you might even start with an Oddish but luck of the draw will do that to you.

4 Twins is a must dude, I don't know why people say that Lucario is awful in MewBox/Vileplume mainly If they are already running Yanmega then they could squeeze in a Lucario tech to deal with Zekrom and Magnezone so that they won't have to run Tornadus to get around Donphan since Yanmega resists it by 20.

Another thing I like about Lucario is that it helps counter Stage 1 Rush with Zoroark and Cinccino since they are both weak to Fighting. If you get Plume lock going they won't be able to get that new Leavanny out with Rare Candy to neutralize Weakness either since it's a Stage 2.
Well, I'm running more of a Mewcario Box, than a Mewbox, so a Relicanth start is what I try for every game
If no one have mentioned: One card that can be considered in the deck is Sunflora (Hgss). You´ll be able to get a Vileplume and use Rare Candy, or just get a Gloom and then Vileplume. Sunflora is also good if you run Yanmega Prime. :)
that doesnt help with consistency in his deck.

your best bet is to just use 4 candies and 4 communications as well as 4 hand refresher supporters, 4 collectors, and sages training.
4 Twins, 3-1-2 Vileplume,3+ Candy, 3+ Communication, And stuff that helps you to get twins in your hand such as hand refreshers
Its good. But personally, I wouldn't use it in a normal Mewbox, too slow there. But i get to throw a poke into the Lz every turn, build up my arsenal, and draw three card each turn, speeding up my game tremendously
glaceon said:
Another thing that you can do (only in Mewbox) is run a Leavanny tech. T1 LZ it, and make sure to have a benched Oddish. On your next turn just evolve into Gloom, and use Leavannys attack.

I tried this once, but it put me back too many turns to be worth it, because you use up two attacks just to get a T2 Plume.
mawliekid said:
Its good. But personally, I wouldn't use it in a normal Mewbox, too slow there. But i get to throw a poke into the Lz every turn, build up my arsenal, and draw three card each turn, speeding up my game tremendously

How is it too slow? Jason K proved it can be amazing in MewBox with Lucario and Zoroark. I kinda see where you're getting at, it's great early game but it sucks late game when you have board advantage by like Turn 5 or 6 I'm assuming?
Well I feel like in a traditional Mewbox deck, you would want to see off first turn, and attack second turn. And if you want to attack second turn, you cant start off with Relicanth. It takes two energy to retreat him, so unless you attached a DCD to him first turn, you cant retreat and attack with mew T2
Running a few Communication in your list will also greatly help you fetch your lines, seeing Mewbox runs a lot of pokémon lines as it is. Just keep in mind the Communications will be deadweight after you set up a Vileplume though(therefore I wouldn't include more than 2/3-ish).

Also, ideally you'll indeed be LZ'ing T1, and start hitting T2. I'd personally limit the LZ'ing to Mew Prime, as Relicanth take sup deckspace and has 2 retreat, meaning it won't be easy to effectively retreat it when needed. If you run Yanmega Prime as well, Sunflora HGSS is really a great card to fetch out your Vileplume and Yanmega lines from your deck too. Some Professor Elm's Training Method are good too, but I prefer not to run any more than 2.

I hope this helps you, and otherwise you can always PM me if you need any further assistance.