How unfair is this...


Ludicolo Is Firin' His Lazer!
So we were going to church and I put my old shoes on because my new ones are a whole size too small and really hurt my foot so i went outside and my mum said I should put my new ones on but i kept telling her they really hurt and my toe was kind of swollen and then when i was walking to the car she shouted "get back in the house!!" and i went back and now I'm home alone. Seriously though, what the...

Anyway, post stories of something unfair that happened to you :0
My dad won the lottery a month ago instead of some other people. That was pretty unfair. My sisters and I got an equal amount from his winnings, but my mother got a larger amount, that was also unfair.
Ludicolo909 said:
So we were going to church and I put my old shoes on because my new ones are a whole size too small and really hurt my foot so i went outside and my mum said I should put my new ones on but i kept telling her they really hurt and my toe was kind of swollen and then when i was walking to the car she shouted "get back in the house!!" and i went back and now I'm home alone. Seriously though, what the...

Anyway, post stories of something unfair that happened to you :0

If that's the worst that's ever happened to you, then you're in good shape. :/
Thats better than the time you got locked in the shed.
Take this home alone time to call CPS.
I got expelled from my school for defending myself 2 weeks after my mom got fired D:<
I agree with Darth Pika. You should see what happens to some other people. Compared to that, this is nothing.
One time in science I believe,I wrote 2 full pages front and back (More than most others in my class;Mind you this is honors) on Mercury (Element) with limited time.

So anyway,I finished quicker than most of my classmates and included detail to a great extent.I was supposed to be rewarded with a piece of chocolate,that didn't happen.

My instructor walked around the entire classroom handing out chocolates to those that did less work and finished later than I.I actually went up to show her how much I had completed.(Mind you most other reports were less than half a page).

Instead she eats one right in my face and I distinctly remember her saying "Oops,all gone!" Infuriated,I quelled my frustration and bitterly walked back to my seat....

Its a minor thing,but was also unfair in my opinion.
@ Emerald Hold No Hope. Dude, I dont care who you are. An F is no reason for ANYONE to get a small thing, let alone a bloody TV.

That my friend IS FAIR. If you got an A+ on a Math test you deserve something but still, not a TV
I was ordered to do community service for something lame, and the DA of supervision in my county misled me on the date I had to complete it by. He got fired, but I'm still in a lot of trouble with the ACTUAL District Attourney, even though I was lied to.
I got money from a kid, in fact $22, and I was sent out of my class to go to the principal's office, and she yelled for like a half an hour.
I almost got kicked out of my religious school for calling a teacher a fat piece of ****, and walking out.

EDIT: The last one was not my fault, because the teacher was giving me a rolling punishment. For example, if I did something bad, I would get detention. If I did the same thing again, I would get two detentions, and so on and so forth.
I all ways get 108's on my Tests but I got a 100 once and my Dad yelled at me for an hour and I didn't get to go to the 2nd day of the B/W mall tour AND no Electronics for 1 month
He always gets 108% on his tests, and his dad yells at him if he gets 100% (Perfect)

Doesn't seem right or real to me.
Why? I always get 111% on my Latin, as all the bonus marks from neatness + bonus questions.

It's not hard. Or, he may be talking about another method of grading which I am familiar with.
pokemon99 said:
He always gets 108% on his tests, and his dad yells at him if he gets 100% (Perfect)

Doesn't seem right or real to me.

Right? No. Real? Yes.

EDIT: How do you get 10-year old from this?