How unfair is this...

^That's a matter of opinion. If I had a girlfriend who was ruining relationships with all of my other friends, I'd break up with her, no matter the circumstances. Now if she was threatening suicide, I /would/ call a counselor yes. But if it's to the point where she has to express herself by ruining your other friendships, it really is time for that relationship to end. Just my opinion.
Ddealing with someone else's problems as well as with the rest of life (especially if you're in school) can be unbearably stressful and it's unfair to say that they are obligated to do so, it's nice to help others but if it's self destructive it's not really worth it. And you can't act like you wouldn't have done something similar in his situation. Especially if she's working to destroy your friendships with other people.

Furthermore, I think the people on this thread understand their lives aren't hard, they're not saying their lives are hard, they're just posting stories of things that happened to them that they thought were unfair, which (for the most part), they were. We all know we don't have hard lives, but does that take away our ability to blow off some steam when we're upset about something being unfair?
The most unfair thing in my life was when I got bullied back in 7'th grade. The guy had a foot problem, so he gets to where METAL shoes. Anyway, he decides to kick me somewhere I shall not say, for no apparent reason (at least I can see). So I retaliated, because schools are stupid and do absolutly nothing for bullying. So my parents AND some government agency (idk which, there are so many of them) got called in. I nearly got expelled and detention for 2 months, while the other guy got a slap on the hand and doesn't get to where metal shoes. I had to go to the emergency room and get 6 stitches because the cut was that deep.

and, about the psycho girlfriend thing, the only thing I would do it call the cops and break up with her while the police are on their way. But do that in private so nobody knows whats going on.
FawfulGengar said:
@Cofagrigus: Ouch. Yeah, that was with PSIPaula4, right? I didn't realize she got expelled, though.

Also, I fell behind on my English essay because I had a mock trial for extra credit in another subject (which was during the time I should've been doing it). Now I'm horrifically behind and even though I got an extension, I most likely will still lose points for lateness. That really seems like nothing compared to things like what happened to Cofagrigus.

Huh? No, this was a real person.

And for everyone saying I should have helped her, I tried! She already saw a councelor 3 times a week, and I told her parents to please keep an eye on her. They are the ones who told me not to talk to her anymore. I couldnt do anything. They sent her to the mental hospital. And after that, my parents even told me to forget about her.
Cofagrigus said:
FawfulGengar said:
@Cofagrigus: Ouch. Yeah, that was with PSIPaula4, right? I didn't realize she got expelled, though.

Also, I fell behind on my English essay because I had a mock trial for extra credit in another subject (which was during the time I should've been doing it). Now I'm horrifically behind and even though I got an extension, I most likely will still lose points for lateness. That really seems like nothing compared to things like what happened to Cofagrigus.

Huh? No, this was a real person.

And for everyone saying I should have helped her, I tried! She already saw a councelor 3 times a week, and I told her parents to please keep an eye on her. They are the ones who told me not to talk to her anymore. I couldnt do anything. They sent her to the mental hospital. And after that, my parents even told me to forget about her.

From what I've been learning in CALM class lately, you seemed to be in an abusive relationship. If your girlfriend was threatening to commit suicide and cutting herself, that's putting emotional stress on you. Emotional abuse and mental abuse can be just as strong as physical abuse. I think you were right in breaking up with her, so long as she was able to find help. As long as you tried to help her as much as you could, you are fine. Anyone on this thread who thinks you are wrong IS wrong. Dealing with someone else's mental issues is a completely unreasonable demand, especially when she is suicidal. I support you, man.

Wow, I'm really glad I go to a Christian school. Reading this stuff makes me question the world even more than I do now.
This not really unfair, but it's the best I got:

My parents got mad at me because I got a 75 average in science, only because I couldn't finish a big partner asignment. I couldn't get the asignment done because I was forced to have a partner who was a complete idiot and a major distraction! We couldn't even finish the rough draft!
The Power of Three said:
Chemical said:
I can't basically can't go to Regionals now even though I'm paying for the ride, instead my parents buy my sister a free Iphone and I still can't go even though I will be paying to go, really now, come on.

umm... it's not free if they have to pay for it. <_<

No I mean they can buy my sister a phone for her without her paying a dime and yet I offer to pay for Regionals they won't do it.
STAY on topic or you may be using this thread to complain about being warned.
Not to be a dick but...

It's unfair that;
- Tens of thousands of people died in Japan as a cause of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
- The people of Libya are being murdered just because they want the same freedom as you or I.
- 30,000 African children under the age of 5 die every day. 3,000 due to Malaria.

A little perspective people.
I've never earned or got any pocket money. Instead, I lose my tooth on purpose so I can earn money. My older sister, older brother, and younger brother earn pocket money. There was also this time when there was a community dance, I won £20, and my mum took it from me and spent it on.... PETROL. (Both stories are true.)
Oh my Gosh, Trip that's kind'a sad. Also Xinvader, we all know what is happening but there is hardly anything we can do. Every charity I give money too and when I'm older I even want to help them, but this is just our problems that we wanna let out.
Ludicolo909 said:
this is just our problems that we wanna let out.

Not really. For instance, I posted earlier about my dad unfairly winning the lottery (instead of some other people winning) :)

Most guys just wanna be all pessimistic and act like all the unfair things that happen to them are always negatively unfair :p (either that or somehow only the negatively unfair stuff seems worth sharing online).

XINVADER has a good point. At least he can see beyond the scope of his own personal problems, even if it is a digression from the topic which is based only on personal stuff.
I didn't mean to rock the boat. I have plenty of my own problems to worry about to be fair. Though none worth mentioning without bringing back a backlog of personal problems from the past.

We don't have therapists on tap in the UK, now that's kind of unfair.