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~~HS//B&W Trade Center~~H: BLACK AND WHITE!! L@@K

RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

Please CML for your Vilepume UD.
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

ogeray said:
I can give u

3x Beedrill (UL)
1x Fearow (UL)


no ty. those are pretty worthless cards, playwise and pricewise

HaunterX6 said:
sure, no prob.
i can do a trade with the two t-tar primes. let me know. box is still on hold, not sure what to do with it yet, but ill def pm you about it.

Alright.. well, not to sound pushy, but since you "really need" the Ttars, I kinda would rather wait to see what you decide you want to do with the box first, since they're a big part of my leverage towards trading for it, if you decide to do so.

Just an offer to think about...

YOUR UD Sealed Box

4x Tyranitar Primes (I know you only need 2, but willing to do 4 just for trade bait)
1x Kingdra Prime
1x Scizor Prime
2x Espeon Prime
4x Fishermen
(A worth of between $80-90)

Just as a sample offer. Willing to tweak it if you decide to do so. :D Sorry again to be so persistent. I haven't had a chance to crack open a new box in a LONG time, so I'm excited at the possibility of having it.

the thing is, im looking to get $82 out of the booster box, either straight up selling, or trading then selling the cards i traded for.
box will go to whoever can make this happen easier ^_^

Well what would u want because those cards that I offered were on your wants and plus the base set dce's isn't really worth as much as the (HGSS) ones cause the base is only valued at around 2-3 dollars, so can u please CML for them because I tried offering from wants and u still said no and plus I'm not gone ripp myself for no cards thats not even valued above $4.
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

CML for:
x1 Raichu Holo (HGSS)
x1 Noctowl Holo (HGSS)
x1 Jumpluff Holo (HGSS)
x1 Ninetails Holo (HGSS)
x1 Donphan Prime
x1 Lugia Legend Top Half
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~


those were not from my wants. it was from my list of rares i have for trade. sorry for the confusion
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

ogeray said:

those were not from my wants. it was from my list of rares i have for trade. sorry for the confusion

2x DCE
1x Ninetailes (HGSS)

1x T-Tar PRIME
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

80baby said:
2x DCE
1x Ninetailes (HGSS)

1x T-Tar PRIME

sorry, i just traded one of my base set dce

i can still do my ninetales and dce base set2 +
ninetales is around $5 dcce is around $2
t-tar prime is around $7-8

almost even trade
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

ogeray said:
sorry, i just traded one of my base set dce

i can still do my ninetales and dce base set2 +
ninetales is around $5 dcce is around $2
t-tar prime is around $7-8

almost even trade

No thanks
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

Interested in your UL sleeves, if you're still offering them for the Kingdra Prime, or if you don't have the sleeves anymore but have a RDL bottom, I have more of your wants, most of them unlisted, but just pm me and we can see what we can work out.
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

Tell me what you want from my list for all your HGSS Psychic and Dark energies. :)
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

Sorry. How about this:

My (all Non-Promo):
x1 Empoleon LvX
x1 Infernape LvX
(and maybe) x1 Torterra LvX

x1 Donphan Prime
x1 Lugia Legend Top Half

RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

sorry, i am only collecting from hgss and onwards. please view my rules.

you dont have much listed.... i only see an espeon prime. is there anything on my wants list that u have not listed?

also, i value the energies at 50cents each. just to give you a ballpark value
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

Yeah, exactly. I'm not asking for much. Want some rares or smaller wants? :p Or an ex? :)
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

how about
6x pyschich energies
6x dark energies
4 UD combees
+ some rare throw ins from hgss-UD or anything else u want

for your espeon prime?
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

Sorry mate, that Espeon is on reserve at the moment. Can I interest you in anything else? :)
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

sorry, theres not much for me to trade on since ur list only has a few items. maybe some other time
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

I can give you beedrill x2 UL, fearow x1, sudowoodo RH UL, lucario RH UL, I have those. :)
RE: ~~~Ogeray's Trading Post~~~HAVE SEALED UD BOX!!~~~~~

its alright. i really have no need for those cards, and they really rnt worth anything