XY Huge scoop in CoroCoro in August!


黄前さん らしい ね
Corocoro promises the biggest scoop of the century in the next issue.

What do you think they mean? Do you think it's possible that they release Z alongside with X and Y? Inkay could be the Z version exclusive corresponding Skrelp and Clauncher.

The "third version" (Y/C/E/Pt/B2W2) could be then... a game known as XYZ?

Potential Leaks:

RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

I dunno, you would think they would have advertised a Z version months ago if they were doing that. I'm assuming the big scoop has something along the lines with revealing older Pokemon receiving new evolutions/pre-evolutions and tons of information on X and Y because we really only know about battles and the Pokemon more so and not much other than that.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

I'm very curious about the new release. They might finally reveal the starter evolutions! I don't think they will announce the next game, before X and Y are launched. I think they would want to keep the focus on the coming games now.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Teal said:
Corocoro promises the biggest scoop of the century in the next issue.

What do you think they mean? Do you think it's possible that they release Z alongside with X and Y? Inkay could be the Z version exclusive corresponding Skrelp and Clauncher.

The "third version" (Y/C/E/Pt/B2W2) could be then... a game known as XYZ?

Technically in Japan Yellow was the fourth version which means out of all the generations only gen one and gen 5 have had four versions (Black 2 and white 2 count)

Also why would they release the third version at the same time as the other two? I have a feeling that the scoop has something to do with how to evolve Eevee into Sylveon and the mechanics behind how Mewtwo changes formes.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

It sure is interesting. Z could potentially be announced.
It could just be something like the starter evolutions (which haven't been revealed this early on at all)

or one thought (unlikely)... they give out the whole dex? thats about 99% not gonna happen tho (but if it does then I called it first)

also, I've got a feeling Inkay won't be version exclusive. Clauncher and Skrelp are both Water type (albeit Skrelp has a Poison type), so something I'd like to see more would be a baby dolphin or something as the Z exclusive.
(then there could be somethin like a Poison/Water Skrelp evo, a Water/Grass dolphin and a Water/Electric Clauncher evo. this would be nice as we haven't really seen these type combos used that much)

I'm also gonna see if pokemon.com teases anything, they might give a silhouette or something
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

The point is that they made us all assume that there are two games as normal, and they would just a bit before the release say "actually... there are three games" and make the hype explode. How would you feel? This is just a speculation thread for fun.

However, the 3DS XL designs definitely seem to imply that this is not the case.
Raptor9229 said:
Also why would they release the third version at the same time as the other two? I have a feeling that the scoop has something to do with how to evolve Eevee into Sylveon and the mechanics behind how Mewtwo changes formes.
Again, it would not be "the third game"... it would be on par with X and Y.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

It's obviously a Dunsparce evolution.

I highly doubt it's Z, especially if the games are meant to release at the same time. Many people have already pre-ordered X or Y and some of us only have the money right now for one or the other. It'd be a really weird move.

I'm not sure what it'll be, but I'm sort of excited, since I figured the announcement of a new type would be the biggest thing to come out of this generation.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Teal said:
The point is that they made us all assume that there are two games as normal, and they would just a bit before the release say "actually... there are three games" and make the hype explode. How would you feel? This is just a speculation thread for fun.

However, the 3DS XL designs definitely seem to imply that this is not the case.
Raptor9229 said:
Also why would they release the third version at the same time as the other two? I have a feeling that the scoop has something to do with how to evolve Eevee into Sylveon and the mechanics behind how Mewtwo changes formes.
Again, it would not be "the third game"... it would be on par with X and Y.

I still doubt they will do that because if they did they would probably have to do all the work of making three sets of version exclusive games, the last time they had three games at the same time I believe was generation one in Japan where they had Red, Blue and Green where the U.S had Red and Blue.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Actually, Red and Green came first, then Blue (better graphics etc.) and then Yellow. US Red/Blue have JP Blue graphics so JP Red/Green were never really released outside Japan.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

I don't think they'd release Z alongside X and Y, they would have given more hype for it by now if that was their intention.

The big reveal is probably just X and Y demo releases.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Sky Pillar said:
I don't think they'd release Z alongside X and Y, they would have given more hype for it by now if that was their intention.

The big reveal is probably just X and Y demo releases.
Personally I don't think they will release Z, BUT your logic fails hard. Not telling about it until then just makes the hype bigger when they tell about it.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

A new eeveelution? Another Mewtwo forme? A POKEMON MMORPG?!

Not sure, but it better be good to be considered the "scoop of the century."
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Teal said:
Sky Pillar said:
I don't think they'd release Z alongside X and Y, they would have given more hype for it by now if that was their intention.

The big reveal is probably just X and Y demo releases.
Personally I don't think they will release Z, BUT your logic fails hard. Not telling about it until then just makes the hype bigger when they tell about it.

Well duh, but they still would have probably given subtle hints in the previous corocoros if they really want to release 3 games at once e.g. hype.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Inferchomp said:
A new eeveelution? Another Mewtwo forme? A POKEMON MMORPG?!

Not sure, but it better be good to be considered the "scoop of the century."

Be hilarious if the big reveal is a new pokemon colosseum sequel. At the end of XD Gale of Darkness if I am not mistaken a new guy takes over as leader of Cipher and announces plans to continue with their goals of conquest. Why have we not gotten a third game in that series?
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Salamencetrainer34 said:
Maybe.... they will reveal.... POKEMON RSE REMAKE!!!!!1!!!!

Now that would be interesting. But wouldn't it be odd to reveal a new game already when we haven't Had X and Y even release yet?
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Drohn said:
I'm very curious about the new release. They might finally reveal the starter evolutions! I don't think they will announce the next game, before X and Y are launched. I think they would want to keep the focus on the coming games now.

What they're saying is that Z will be released on the same day as X and Y...
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

OK, XYZ would be cool to see, as that makes it so there's no super big changed version that makes the other versions boring, there's no wait for the third version or false rumors, and it makes it easier for people like me to choose their starters.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

why would you put something like that in the title??

its just spreading a rumor with no basis.

I'm sure whatever they got for us, it'll be something else.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Jakeremix said:
Drohn said:
I'm very curious about the new release. They might finally reveal the starter evolutions! I don't think they will announce the next game, before X and Y are launched. I think they would want to keep the focus on the coming games now.

What they're saying is that Z will be released on the same day as X and Y...

Ah, I read it wrong. I think that they would have announced it together with X and Y if they released it on the same day. My guess would be a lot new Pokémon or New Features of the already announced games.