XY Huge scoop in CoroCoro in August!

RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Mitja said:
why would you put something like that in the title??

its just spreading a rumor with no basis.

I'm sure whatever they got for us, it'll be something else.
Why not?
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Drohn said:
Jakeremix said:
What they're saying is that Z will be released on the same day as X and Y...

Ah, I read it wrong. I think that they would have announced it together with X and Y if they released it on the same day. My guess would be a lot new Pokémon or New Features of the already announced games.

Agreed, Fairy type was the biggest reveal at first but an even bigger reveal would be the mechanics behind Eevee evolving into Sylveon and the mechanics of changing Mewtwo into its new forme. Why would they be bigger reveals? Lets just say that we got hype about Sylveon and Mewtwo's new forme and yet we do not yet know how to obtain them, We now know Sylveon's type and that was a big reveal but if we find out how to obtain these two then it would be like a super nova compared to the nuke that was the reveal of fairy type.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Z won't be out. What if they do release a third game of Gen 6, what will it be called? Z? Why, is it because in the alphabet Z comes after X and Y? For all we know, they could just be revealing a new legendary. May I ask where they said Scoop of the century?
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Raptor9229 said:
Inferchomp said:
A new eeveelution? Another Mewtwo forme? A POKEMON MMORPG?!

Not sure, but it better be good to be considered the "scoop of the century."

Be hilarious if the big reveal is a new pokemon colosseum sequel. At the end of XD Gale of Darkness if I am not mistaken a new guy takes over as leader of Cipher and announces plans to continue with their goals of conquest. Why have we not gotten a third game in that series?

If a Pokémon MMORPG comes out, and its good, I'm gonna have to quit my job...
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

X, Y and Z have some kind of a meaning. Involved with maths and stuff. :D I just can't remember what their special meaning was. xD

But yeah, Z'd be just stupid.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Pineapple X said:
X, Y and Z have some kind of a meaning. Involved with maths and stuff. :D I just can't remember what their special meaning was. xD
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Teal said:
Pineapple X said:
X, Y and Z have some kind of a meaning. Involved with maths and stuff. :D I just can't remember what their special meaning was. xD

Yeah, thanks. :D I'd say that's X and Y's names origin.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

What about Zero? It starts with a Z and is also balanced on the X and Y Axis.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Drohn said:
What about Zero? It starts with a Z and is also balanced on the X and Y Axis.

That actually sounds possible. Still though, I don't want Z Version. An MMORPG would be much cooler.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Haha, highly doubt we'll see a third game release alongside XY. Any plausibility that theory has should have died as soon as they remembered the special 3DS releases.

I do hope there will be some really cool news, though, and that it's not just magazine hype. Not that I'd be unhappy with another issue of a few more new Pokémon or anything either. Guess I'm just easy to please.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

What if its announced that the Gen 6 games will be the last games in the series, and that in the future, new areas and Pokémon will be available through some sort of DLC arrangement?
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Raptor9229 said:
Inferchomp said:
A new eeveelution? Another Mewtwo forme? A POKEMON MMORPG?!

Not sure, but it better be good to be considered the "scoop of the century."

Be hilarious if the big reveal is a new pokemon colosseum sequel. At the end of XD Gale of Darkness if I am not mistaken a new guy takes over as leader of Cipher and announces plans to continue with their goals of conquest. Why have we not gotten a third game in that series?

Didn't the company that did those go under? Or am I highly mistaken?
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

This is slightly off-topic, but did GF say anything regarding DLC in XY? (I am curious because of FT10's post)
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

FT10 said:
What if its announced that the Gen 6 games will be the last games in the series, and that in the future, new areas and Pokémon will be available through some sort of DLC arrangement?

I don't think a lot of people would stand for that. Frankly, DLC is generally a stupid marketing ploy in which companies release incomplete games so they can milk more money from players by getting them to purchase said content separately. They did that in PMD: Gates to Infinity and, while some of the DLC dungeons were genuinely hard, the fact that you had to purchase them to begin with made the game feel worse than it actually was. While I'd expect there to be some DLC for X and Y, the notion that they're the last in the series and DLC is the only thing that's going to continue the franchise is a little absurd.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Incinermyn said:
FT10 said:
What if its announced that the Gen 6 games will be the last games in the series, and that in the future, new areas and Pokémon will be available through some sort of DLC arrangement?

I don't think a lot of people would stand for that. Frankly, DLC is generally a stupid marketing ploy in which companies release incomplete games so they can milk more money from players by getting them to purchase said content separately. They did that in PMD: Gates to Infinity and, while some of the DLC dungeons were genuinely hard, the fact that you had to purchase them to begin with made the game feel worse than it actually was. While I'd expect there to be some DLC for X and Y, the notion that they're the last in the series and DLC is the only thing that's going to continue the franchise is a little absurd.

Absurd? Yes. But "scoop of the century"? Also yes. Although I haven't really decided how I would feel if the Pokémon video game franchise took the DLC direction, you have to admit, it could possibly work. I mean, instead of buying a new game with a new area/new Pokémon, you would download it instead without losing the data from your previous game(s). You would also remain the same character in the new region(s).

The reason I brought up DLC, to respond to Salamencetrainer's post, is because if I'm not mistaken, GF took a suspiciously silent stance to the question of DLC when they were asked about it at the X/Y roundtable.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

I honestly think it might be the other Mewtwo form.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

> this month reveals five new mons, legendary types, characters of interest, and villain team
> next month to top that with "scoop of the century"
> how

I don't even know what to believe anymore.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Its too early for a Z. ...Unless you mean Poke Ball Z. :p

I would hope for another Eevee. :p
Honestly, "biggest scoop of the century" could just refer to the leaks we already know, since those were leaks of corocoro august

I think.
RE: Huge scoop in August! Z to release with X and Y?!

Inferchomp said:
Raptor9229 said:
Be hilarious if the big reveal is a new pokemon colosseum sequel. At the end of XD Gale of Darkness if I am not mistaken a new guy takes over as leader of Cipher and announces plans to continue with their goals of conquest. Why have we not gotten a third game in that series?

Didn't the company that did those go under? Or am I highly mistaken?

Nope, they were the ones who did battle revolution but we are still waiting on a sequel to Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, also even if that company did go under then Nintendo (who practically owns the rights to the stadium and colosseum games could find someone else to do the sequel but we still are wanting that sequel though.