Biggest scoop could mean so many things, but what if this big scoop was more of a plot twist kind of things. The second Mewtwo forme (if there is one) could be counted as that since the not everybody know the info we have, so that second forme could catch many people off guard and count as a "scoop of the century" kind of thing, especially since the Mewtwo movie came out last month. The same could go for a second eevolution. Yah it would hypothetically overshadow Sylveon, but lets if the eevolution is weak to Sylveon, it would bring a bit more hype to Sylveon and the fairy type. What I truly believe could contribute to all the hype is another forme or counterpart to a previous Pokemon (most likely a legendary Pokemon). They've already done thine to Mewtwo, why couldn't do this to another legendary, to me that would be scoop of the century worthy.