Writing I Can't Live Without You (Pearlshipping PG-13)

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The Blonde Brainiac
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This is a different story than Ash & Dawn. But, once again, it's a Pearlshipping fic​

Ash was running to meet Dawn at the Viridian City Dept. Store. Ash had just finished a hard fought battle with a young Trainer and needed to meet Dawn before she left the Dept. Store. Dawn was the secretary to the owner Mr. Karloff (I just made up that person, he doesn't exist). In his pant pocket was a ring in which he could propose to his fiance. Ash and Dawn were together for several months, but Ash never popped the question to Dawn. Ash and Dawn were to go to the Chez France Suez (pronounced Sauve). But, little did Ash know Dawn was keeping a secret from him too...

Ash reached Dawn, who had just closed up. Ash was gasping for breath
"Ash, you all right?" Dawn questioned
"Yeah, I'm fine" Ash said, panting heavily. Ash and Dawn sat on the bench as Ash caught his breath
"You ready for our date?" Dawn asked
"Sure am I. I didn't want to be late" Ash replied

A waiter led Ash and Dawn to a booth and gave them the menus
"I'll be back in a couple of minutes to take your order" the waiter replied, moving to another table
"The menu is impressive" Dawn stated
"It sure is" Ash replied. The waiter came back and was ready to take they order
"May I take your order?" the waiter questioned.

After they were finished, the waiter came back and asked,
"Did you save any room for dessert?" the waiter questioned
"Yeah, could you come back in about 5 minutes please?" Ash said
"Oh, okay. I will" the waiter replied, walking away. Dawn was curious that Ash did that
"What he planning to do?" Dawn thought to herself. Then, Ash pulled out the ring box and kneeled down in front of Dawn
"Dawn, we've been together for a while now, and I don't want to spend a minute apart. Will you marry me?" Ash said, pulling out a beautiful diamond ring. Dawn, stood there, shocked at what Ash was doing
"Dawn, you all right ?" Ash questioned
"I can't marry you" Dawn replied
"But why?" Ash questioned
"Because we're going to have a baby!" Dawn replied. Ash, is sheer joy, dropped the ring box onto the floor. Ash put his hand on Dawn's stomach
"How did you know?" Ash questioned
"Remember when I had that check-up? Well, the doctor did some tests and told me I was pregnant. I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want you to worry" Dawn replied
"Worry? Dawn, we can finally start a family!" Ash replied
"Yes, I guess we can" Dawn replied. Ash picked up the ring box from the floor and kneeled down again
"Dawn, will you marry me?" Ash questioned
"Yes, yes I will!" Dawn said, tears streaming down her face. And everyone cheered for the new couple, even the waiter

END Chapter 1 !
Ash and Dawn again? Maybe you should use a different topic for once?

Just kidding, it was okay. I mean, she's pregnant, and well, they're getting married, seems a lot like your story except in the past before they had 3 kids. But I'll keep reading to see where this is actually going.
I can't help the fact I'm a Pearlshipper

Chapter 2

It was 2 months since Ash proposed and 3 months since Dawn was told she was pregnant. They moved into an apartment building, until they pooled enough money to earn a home of their own. Dawn was sitting on the bed, reading a hair care magazine, rubbing her stomach
"Dawn, how was your day?" Ash questioned
"Oh, it was okay. It was just hectic as always. So many calls. I have the ringing stuck in my ears" Dawn replied
"Maybe you should look for another job" Ash replied
"Not now, Mr. Karloff gives me a good paycheck and I told him that I was pregnant and he told me that he'd give me a raise to help with the baby" Dawn replied
"Speaking of the baby, have you thought of any names?" Ash questioned
"Ash, names aren't important right now, epically the fact since we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl!" Dawn replied, "How was your day, honey ?"
"Fine, battled 4 Trainers, split 2, but both Trainers want a rematch tomorrow" Ash replied
"I have to go to the doctor for a check-up tomorrow" Dawn replied, placing the magazine down on the side table
"And why is that important?" Ash replied
"The doctor will check on the baby and see if there happen to be anymore" Dawn replied
"Well, good night" Ash replied, kissing Dawn on the cheek
"Good night" Dawn replied, turning off the light

As Ash came home from another tough day as the Viridian City Gym Leader. Dawn was sitting on the bed again, reading the same magazine from yesterday
"How was the check-up?" Ash questioned
"Fine, doctor said the babies would grow up nice and healthy" Dawn replied
"Wait, did you said BABIES?" Ash replied, shocked
"Yes, Ash. We're having twins!" Dawn replied. And Ash, smiled, he and Dawn locked lips for a kiss

END Chapter 2!
Not bad, but I still have a feeling it will become like your other one in the future.

But other than that it was fine.
Chapter 3

Mrs. Ketchum helped Dawn pick out her wedding gown. Dawn was 5 months pregnant and her body swelled up a bit to fit the babies growth. Ash and Dawn's wedding was scheduled for August. And December, the babies were due

"Here's a lovely dress. And it's a size five!" Mrs. Ketchum said
"Thanks, but no thanks. I think I should try a size 6 or 7" Dawn replied
"Seven, but why ?" Mrs. Ketchum question and then stared at Dawn
"Dawn, are you pregnant?" Mrs. Ketchum questioned. Dawn turned around for a split second and replied,
"Yes, yes I am"
"Oh, Dawn. I'm so happy for you!" Mrs. Ketchum, replied. They found a beautiful white dress, white beautiful pearls adorning the gown
"Now, let's pay for this gown" Mrs. Ketchum said. Then, they walked to a nice little resturant in the mall
"Thanks, I'm starved!" Dawn replied

Meanwhile, Ash and Brock were looking for a nice tuxedo for Ash
"So, I heard you big day in a week" Brock said
"Yeah. I'm all nervous inside" Ash replied
"How's Dawn doing?" Brock replied
"She's doing fine. She told me a couple of months ago that she was pregnant" Ash replied
"Really? Wow!" Brock replied
"And, we're having twins!" Ash said, excitedly
"Looks like you're ready to settle down and start your family" Brock replied
"Pretty much. I just hope Dawn can handle the stress of delivering two babies" Ash replied. And so, everything was set up. Including the area where their wedding would be held. In a field in Prof. Oak's Lab

"So, how was shopping for your gown go?" Ash questioned
"Good, I have to wear a size 7 due to all the weight I've put on since I became pregnant" Dawn replied
"Dawn, you're still as beautiful as you were when I first saw you in Sandgem Town" Ash replied
"Oh, Ash stop it. You're embarrassing me!" Dawn replied, blushing
"It's true!" Ash replied
"How was your tuxedo shopping?" Dawn questioned
"It went all right, I found a nice tux" Ash replied
"Well, in a week, we'll offically be Mr and Mrs. Ketchum" Dawn stated
"Yes, I can't wait" Ash replied, softly. And they both fell asleep

END Chapter 3!
Look at the second sentence. You referred to Dawn as a boy. You said his body swelled up a bit.

Again, other than it it's fine.
Oh my god ! I can't believe I just did that !

Chapter 4 (Dawn is 5 months into her pregnancy)

Today was the big day. Dawn and Ash would finally get married in front of a hundred friends and relatives. Dawn's body, with baby bump and all fit into her beautiful pearled gown
"Oh honey. I've dreamed of this day. And I've dreamed of grandchildren too!" Johanna said, rubbing Dawn's stomach
"Thanks mom" Dawn replied. Ash was waiting for Dawn to come up to altar. As the wedding music played, Dawn walked slowly up the aisle. She walked up to th altar and grabbed Ash's hand
"We have gathered here today to bond these two in holy matrimony. Dawn do you take Ash to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer for poor for long as you both shall live?" the priest questioned. Dawn turned to Ash and replied,
"I do"
"And do you Ash, take Dawn to be you lawfully wedded wife.For richer for poor. For as long as you both shall live?" the priest questioned
"I do" Ash replied, staring at Dawn
"And now it's time to exchange rings" the priest replied. Ash and Dawn put a ring on the other's finger
"Is there anyone here who objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace" the priest stated. There was a hush from the crowd
"So be it. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest said. Ash and Dawn locked lips for a kiss and the crowd cheered

As Dawn and Ash contemplated where to go on their honeymoon, Dawn felt kicking
"Ash ! The babies...they're KICKING!" Dawn said, excitedly
"They are, I can felt it slightly" Ash replied, putting his hand onto Dawn's big belly
"Our moms want to talk to us about the babies' names" Dawn replied
"Oh come on! Again?' Ash replied
"Come on, let's just listen to them. We make the naming decisions after all" Dawn replied. And so, Dawn and Ash officially began their life as a married couple

END Chapter 4!
Sorry for this double post, I just wanted to post Chapter 5 tonight...

Chapter 5 (7 months into Dawn's pregnancy)

Dawn woke up. She couldn't sleep. She tried to get Ash's attention
"Ash, sweetheart. Wake up" Dawn pleaded
"No, I'm fine" Ash said, going back to sleep
"Ash! WAKE UP!" Dawn shouted
"Ah! Dawn, what's wrong" Ash questioned
"I can't sleep" Dawn replied
"And you scare me have to death WHY?" Ash questioned
"This is the reason--they won’t stop kicking me" Dawn replied. She sighed, placing her hands on her large belly
"When I want to sleep, they should sleep too!" Dawn replied, yelling at her bloated stomach
"Wow, they're really kicking!" Ash replied, putting a hand to Dawn's stomach
"Did you think I was joking?" Dawn questioned
"What you do think the babies genders' will be?" Ash wondered
"I'd love to have a little boy and a little girl" Dawn replied, rubbing her stomach, "But, I'd be happy with two boys or two girls"
"What should we name them?" Dawn wondered
"Again with the names?" Ash whined
"Well, I'm only two months away from giving birth" Dawn replied
"How does Hikari sound?" Ash asked
"I've read that Hikari means light, just like Dawn does!" Dawn replied, "It's a perfect name for a little girl!"
"For the boy, I was thinking Will" Ash replied. But Dawn didn't reply. She was sound asleep. And so Ash kissed her on the cheek and turned off the light

END Chapter 5!
Ok, but I don't like the name Hikari :p.

Isn't there a Will in your other Dawn fanfic? Whatever, the chapters were good. I didn't like Ch. 5 as much as the other ones, maybe because it was a bit short, but it was fine.
The kids should be named Motumbo Jackson and Shardonay Filibuster. :cool:
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