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    Thank you!

I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Whoa!! I need to update!!

Prof., I don't ship to Australia, sorry...:(

TGM: That's gone, I need to update.

TofU: Yeah, that's gone too.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

I have error cards, Shining cards, shadowless cards, 20 ex cards incoming, please CML for Gardevoir LV X, thanks!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Hmm...ALL those things sound interesting, but...

I want cash.

I also have a base Charmander, hmm...25 bucks? You can rip yourself off...right? :p
I have a Luxury Ball, (IFDS) and a Dark Arbok from Team Rocket.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Okay. On your title it says you want older cards, not cash. SO what do you want for those cards you mentioned?
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Check my Wants. Please, be more specific.

Again, I'll do 18 dollars for Gardy X.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

No thank you. I do not need it for money, I only trade.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

OK...then what "specifically" do you have to offer? How high will you go in order to get Gardy X?
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

CML for:

RH Magmortar (MT)
RH Infernape (MD)
RH Infernape (DP)
Darkrai (MD) - is it HOLO or RH? LMK!
RH Weavile (SW)

and if you have any:
RH Pokeradar
RH Chimchar (DP/MD)
RH Monferno (MD)

LMK thx!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

I can trade everything you need there, but a little hesitant on the DP Infernape. I don't have the PokeRadar RH or any of the other 2, sorry! Darkrai is Holo. I don't see anything on your list, but I can sell those cards to you at a reasonable price. You can make an offer, or check my wants for anything you might happen to have. I also need Marshtomp EX Emerald and Swampert EX Emerald. Thanks!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

EspeonROX said:
OK...then what "specifically" do you have to offer? How high will you go in order to get Gardy X?

Not too high to get Gardy X. But I have an error TSD, shadowless pokemon, Tyranitar VS, shiny error Tyranitar, and others. JUST CML!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Nope. Nothing I need. The Shiny Tyranitar isn't "error", I think those cards are all printed with the misspelling.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Hey, CML for DP Prerelease Stamp, SW Prerelease Stamp, and GE prerelease stamp please.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

But it is still an error card!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

I don't need it or want it. That's what matters.
ESP: I have Unown G x2. Go crazy. Again...you wanna guess what I'm gonna ask for? Well don't. I want money. :p

I also need these:
-Meganium UF (holo and mint)
-Typhlosion UF (holo and mint)
-Swampert EM (holo and mint)
-Marshtomp EM (Atsuko Nishida artwork)
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

I have Feraligatr DF {L}!

I will trade it for an Azelf LA. Please LMK, thanks!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

I don't think I have any of those. How much for the 2 Unown G?
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

T-Tar: Azelf is pending. Anyways, no.
ESP: Erm, what would you do? I mean, I'll go minimum $1.50.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Would you take 2 dollars shipped?
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

Yeah, sure. I'll PM you! Thanks!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Okay, can you CML for cards you want? Thanks!
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