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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

ESP: Believe it or not, I prefer the Piplup NOT be RH! :eek:
T-Tar: They're all in my 1st post!
Gardy X
Gliscor X JPN
Giratina X (Pending)
Empoleon X
Glaceon X
Shaymin X JPN (IFDS)
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

LOL. I have it non-RH as well. LMK.
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Hehe...if possible...could you throw in an extra buck? I will then give you the original Gastly base so you can show off the difference...for braggin' rights you know? -.-
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

I know....silly. But I just did not want them to be scattered, you know...:p

Moving on...I need Gardy X (more of a want, not a need) so what do you value it at?
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Hmmm....$20.00 give or take. That's what I got mine at.
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

I'm good with that deal. PM me for confirmation?
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Yes, sounds like a deal to me!
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

20 USD...Hmmmm...how about 18 USD? (I could add a little something ;))
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Err...what? Southern Islands Mew is the only card I want off your list...actually, that's not even a Want! That's more of a Throw-In type thing...

We can still do the Rampardos GC x2 for $7.00?
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Well, first off, can you do the Gardy for $18 USD?

2nd: Do you want SI Slowking and collect all the SI cards?

3rd: Do you want Tyranitar ex DF?

4th: Want to reunite the TriForce, Steadfast and I were talking...

LMK, thanks!
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

1.) Only with a throw-in.
2.) No.
3.) No.
4.) I'm a "big baby" remember? You wouldn't want a "weak" or a "big baby" in the Tri-Force, right? So, for the good of the "Tri-Force", no. Kevin would be a better representative for you two! :)

BTW: The Triforce was Jonathan, Allen and I in the the 6th grade.

Edit I have 2 TGW...yeah. :p
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

1. No thanks.
2. Ok.
3. Why not?
4. Well, that is a flaw you have like most people. Hey I have ADHD and I am overconfident. You are a bit of a baby, and Jacob is shy. I think that our stregths (Me: Strength, Jacob: Comedy, You: Brains) we make a combo baby!

PS: Allen Liu did NOT like you. I hate to break it to you...

But, I have a deal for you.

For $5 could you trade me:

2 Dusclops DP
1 Duskull DP
1 Duskull SW
1 Felicity
1 Great ball

LMK, thanks!
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

What is your asking price for?

Galactic's Conquest

Shiny Swablu
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

I already have it pending...sorry.

Hmm...Allen and I were best buds. I knew him since 1st grade. We played basketball together on the same team, we invited each other to our birthday parties, and he's the reason why you showed up on my doorstep 2 summers ago before he moved. So yeah, he wouldn't have showed you if he didn't like me.

I could care less about T-Tar ex DF. He has no relevance in my collection...actually...yeah. He doesn't.

I thought you were genius? Your "genius" overcomes my "brains."

G'Night to everyone.

T-Tar: Hmm...well I see you've edited your post...meh. I'm not sure. I wish it was higher, say 6 dollars?

Could you still do the 7 dollars for the 2 Rampardos?
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Bump 2. Edited post, T-Tar.
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

You told me you did not have those...If you do I can trade.

*EDIT* SORRY! The word I meant was buy...

I also have 3 Meganium MT if you are interested.
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

What do you mean? Of course I have the Rampardos!! -.- Good, so overall, if you do the Trainer/Dusk line and what not, AND the Rampardos, that would be...13 dollars total. Dealio to the Sealeo? Or to the Celio? Your pick.
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Hmmm, Sealio sounds a bit more enticing...however, I would find it easier if you were to come to my house because you know how I get the urge to buy cards at random from you...But no, I don't want the Rampardos GC anymore, it is broken and cheap. But the Dusk lines are pending.

Do you like my Meganium MT as throw in for something?
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

That's why they're good. Steadfast and I were talking...you come over here! I went over twice in a row, and it's unfair that you keep treating us...so we are inviting you over to equal it out.

Meganium MT....meh. VERY small want. Like, I value that at $2.00.
RE: NEED CHARIZARD SW and $30.00!! [H]: Giratina X Origin Forme, Shiny Swablu, and Glaceon X!

Alright. Do you want all 3 meganium? Yes! I will go over there, I don't hate going over, I just find it proper to extend the invitation :D Anyways, PM me about this matter and tell me if you want all 3 Meganium.

(Why do you want them ?)
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