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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Oh sorry I didn't know it was taken away...
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

OK, to ALL Uxie wanters: I expect some sort of LV.X. Just sayin'.

Jackolas: You're not in the US. Sorry.

richkid50000: Have any LV.X's from my Wants?

eevee: o_O You have a lot of stuff I want. The biggest question is, if they are all in perfect condition, no scratches, rips, bends, etc. etc. If they are, we can go from there. I DON'T need the Venusaur SW, however. I need the EX Legend Maker cards, though. I like those the most. Those HAVE to be mint.


E-Rox: Random Eeveelution (NOT Espeon, XD)
3x Combusken (1 RH)

Meda: 1x Primeape SV
1x Energy Gain PT
2x Crobat G

Is everything on your end mint? Combusken GE RH has scratches, (I think, but still in decent condition; no bends whatsoever) but that's it for me.

ElectroManiac: Are you interested in buying from me?

I could use the Raichu SF and MT, that's it.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Yes,they are mint except Graveler,he has scratches.I forgot to list this:#37) Kecleon AH mint.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Do you have a Torterra? If so what set? CML for it if you have one.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Shadow Ice: I can get an MD one, but that's the best I could do.

eevee: I'll pass on the Graveler, and do the Kecleon instead. What do you think, all of my cards you want for all of the cards you have that I want?

Shuckle: Could you buy the Pory-Z LV.X?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

You don't need Raichu Lv. X?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

EspeonROX said:

E-Rox: Random Eeveelution (NOT Espeon, XD)
3x Combusken (1 RH)

Meda: 1x Primeape SV
1x Energy Gain PT
2x Crobat G

Is everything on your end mint? Combusken GE RH has scratches, (I think, but still in decent condition; no bends whatsoever) but that's it for me.

Yes, my cards are all fine.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Do you have any SP energy?If you do,throw one in and 2 RH trainer/energies from MT(can't be Bebe's Search,NM or Dark energy) and you have yourself a deal.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Sorry Espeon I do not have any of the Lv. X's from your wants.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

I REALLY want Uxie LA. What would you be willing to trade it for?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

I have:

1x Gallade 4 RR (preferrably holo)
1x Gallade 4 Lv.X RR (smaller Want)

I need:
Uxie LA

RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

CML if you are willing to trade. Also do you have any good drawing cards?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

i want your torkoal LA, x2 beedrill GE, x2 honchkrow MT, + do you have any rare candies?

i have:
x2 gengar SF
x2 crobat G
(all four are not reverse holo)(sorry)
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Instead of 15 people jumping on me for the Uxie LA, why don't I just ASK for what I want?

I would take:

Dialga G LV.X PT
Uxie LV.X LA
Claydol GE x2
...you come up with something that's good. XD

ElectroManiac: I just want the Raichu LV.X and Raichu SF holo.

Medaforcer: Then you have a deal. PM me with the list of our trade. Thanks! (Or I'll PM you.)

eevee: I don't have any RH cards from MT. I was thinking it would be a fair trade because the Legend Maker cards are old. =\ I don't have any SP Energy up for grabs, sorry. Anything else?

Shining Latios: I skipped you! I'm sorry. :( Please make an offer. Thanks!

LegoMyFoot: I like the Shining Celebi and Dialga G LV.X. If you can incorporate those two cards, (I'll throw more in), that would be AWESOME. Your chances of getting the card will shoot straight up.

ESP: Hey! How you doin', haven't talked to you in a while. I'm not really looking for a Gallade 4 LV.X right now, although I do like the holo Gallade 4. Anything off my Haves for it?

Shadow Ice: Drawing cards? What?

bbdrill: It's OK, I don't need 'em RH. I like the 2x Gengar SF. How about:

Torkoal LA RH
Honchkrow MT x2 (1 RH)
Gengar SF x2

Sorry if I didn't get to you, LMK if I skipped you. Thanks for posting!
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Do you need Leafeon Lv. X at all?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Eh...not really. Sorry. :(

RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Could you throw in your shiny vulpix?The reason why is you are getting more rare cards than I am.So the trade would look like this:
Secert Wonders:#5) Flygon RH,#17) Roserade(non RH),#24) Dugtrio,#25) Electivire(nonholo),#32) Minun RH,#41) Wormadam Plant Cloak(non RH),#43) Wormadam Trash Cloak RH,#44) Xatu RH,#53) Kirlia RH,Legend Makers:#11) Muk AH,#16) Girafarig,#37) Kecleon AH,#67) Trapinch AH(all mint)
#12) Magmortar RH,#15) Raichu,#21) Bastiodon 1 Theme Deck Holofoil,#33) Rampardos 1 Theme Deck Holofoil,#45) Dewgong RH,#57) Octillery RH,#74) Bronzor RH,#90) Murkrow RH,#94) Pikachu RH,#98) Shinx RH,#99) Slakoth RH,SH6 Vulpix.(all hopefully mint)
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Shiny Vulpix: no. I'm trading it; I need to receive.


Flygon SW RH
Roserade SW
Dugtrio SW
Electivire SW
Minun SW RH
Wormadam Plant Cloak SW
Wormadam Trash Cloak SW RH
Xatu SW RH
Kirla SW RH
Kecleon LM AH
Trapinch LM AH


Magmortar MT RH
Raichu MT
Bastiodon MT holo
Rampardos MT holo
Dewgong MT RH
Octillery MT RH
Bronzor MT RH
Murkrow MT RH
Pikachu MT RH
Shinx MT RH
Slakoth MT RH

Is the Girafarig AH? I don't need it if it's not. My cards are mint. This is what it looks like so far.
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