RE: I have a Palkia G LV.X unlisted. I want Ditto LA, SW RHs, Azelf LA, LM AHs, and Sally SF. HELP!
let me check and ill gt back to you 2nite
let me check and ill gt back to you 2nite
EspeonROX said:I like Flygon LV.X and Magmortar LV.X. I am also selling DGX, so if anyone's interested, it's going at a price of $25.
EspeonROX said:Nope. That's too low. WAY too low. Sorry.
EspeonROX said:I mean, I can go evenly Flygon LV.X for DGX. I'm more into selling this guy rather than trading it. In fact, I'll edit that.
EspeonROX said:Nope. Sorry, I don't need the Heatran LV.X.