I need your opponion on this please leave comments

red blastoise said:
sorry, i'm a dutch teen, what does puritan history mean (i know what history is, but what is puritan)
In short, the country was founded by religious conservatives and hasn't change much.
The cops there aren't the greatest. I was looking for a golf ball in my neighbors bush with my cousin and we found it so we go back to putting in our front yard. About 10 minutes later the police comes over to us and asked us what we were doing and if we were vandalizing someones property, he was nice and calm and didn't seem like a bad guy. Then another cop comes running from across the street and was acting real mean like a game of Good cop Bad cop. Apperantly I come to figure out that are dumbfounded neighbors called the cops on us because they though we were messing with there bush.

Just next time, don't go anywhere where dumb neighbors and crime are.... you will get arrested!
ok guys long wait huh?

but anyways i went february 18
then got a continuance and then on march 20 i went yet another continuance
and i went april 18 and got another continuance
and on may 20 im going to finally get this over with
Heatran1991 said:
ok guys long wait huh?

but anyways i went February 18
then got a continuance and then on march 20 i went yet another continuance
and i went April 18 and got another continuance
and on may 20 im going to finally get this over with

I don't think that you will be able to sue them I mean one they are cops two the other people you might

But if you hire a lawer he and if he is any good then he will most likely just want bout half the money so in all reality you most likely won't make alot of money in which you were hoping for and if you do save it for worlds XD

Good luck

That is not fair and also i do not know if i read incorrectly but if they have been arresting people without a reason is something really suspicious
Ok first time seeing this thread, here is my 2 cents...

you can not sue the cops for a false arrest, they had proof that there had been a vandalism, and the owner of the property obviously pointed the finger at you. So as far as the cops were concerned, that was enough proof to take you in. For all you know, maybe you were dressed pretty similar to one of the people that actually committed the crime and thats how you were pointed out.
You should've informed someone that they were smashing lights. That would've cleared it up before you reached your destination. Have you tried doing that?