RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.
So I just bought 24 Majestic Dawn packs for $60 from a store owner who was getting rid of all his Pokemon stuff (too bad he didn't have any sealed boxes

So far, my sis and I have opened 18 packs...pulled:
1x Call Energy
2x Unown Q
3x Chatot
6x Holos (Dialga, Phione, Darkrai, Moltres [awesome artwork], Glaceon, Rotom)
5x Reverse Holo Rares (Aerodactyl, Bronzong, Flareon, Glaceon (same one as above), Leafeon #7 (argh, need the holo version of this...), Phione #27)
Now I gotta wait for my sis to come back so we can open the last 6 packs...will update soon. C'mon Leafeon / Glaceon LV.X!!!
EDIT: -sigh- no Leafeon or Glaceon LV.X -> fail...
But we pulled:
1x Call Energy
1-2x Chatot
4x Holos (Leafeon [yesss!], Articuno, Zapdos, and Manaphy)
1x Reverse Holo Rare (Palkia)
Eh, not bad pulls for 24 packs. Would've been nice if it was a Leafeon LV.X or a Glaceon LV.X instead of Garchomp LV.X, but heck, better than nothing.
EDIT2: @ A+G: Maaaa~ybe. xD I was thinking of making a Victreebel deck too, but I think I can trade away Victreebel for now.