RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.
So now is the time I prove to you all that a CoL booster box is not as bad as it sounds.
If you know me in person, I'm really generous(I sometimes even buy packs for people after a really nice TCG match). I decided to be generous and give 3 packs from the box to my brother(btw, I bought this box yesterday and got it today, mainly because the guy shipped it yesterday and lives in MA). He pulls the following:
2 Lost World
Research Record
RH Houndoom CoL
I'm a little disappointed that I will only pull one shiny possibly after this, so I let him keep the Lost Worlds, Research Record, and Dialga, and take the Houndoom. He doesn't mind.
Now onto my part. My pulls were better than I've ever seen:
Shiny Raikou(sweet!)
12 Reg. Holos(I would have been happy with 6 or 7); Clefable, Deoxys, Dialga, Espeon, Forretress, Gyarados, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Lucario, Magamortar, Pachirisu, and Palkia. I'm so excited!
7 RH Rares that otherwise would be Holo: Groudon, Hitmontop, Houndoom(from earlier), Jirachi, Lugia, Ninetales, and Smeargle(heh heh). So awesome!
RH Lost World(sweet!)
2 RH Energy: Grass + Electric
Notable Rares:
Mr. Mime x2
Slowking x2
Zangoose x1
Some cool RH Commons + Uncommons
Mime Jr. X5(sweet!)
x2 Lost World(total of 5, along w/ brother's)
x4 Research Record
x4 Copycat
x4 Lost Remover
x4 Special Metal Energy
x4 Special Dark Energy
x6 Sage's Training(1 RH)
x3 Dual Ball
x3 Interviewer's Questions
x4 Cheerleader's Cheer
So that's it for my booster box report. Hope you all liked it, and hope you all know that CoL boxes aren't half bad!