I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Did not get any new LV Xs for the past 5 months(wasn't really active) but manage to get one of the SR Pikachu from RR recently... =)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got 4 packs on Sunday for getting 2nd at BR.
Pulled a Pikachu SR.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

had 16 lvl x, sold them for 120. Then, 2 days later, I bought another 3 boosters. 2 platinum. a Dialga G x and a Palkia G x, and a leafy x...I was PISSED!!!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I think he meant "mad" in a good way, lol. :p

I'm figuring out a get better pulls from trades... when I buy packs, I never have any luck. I do remember a long time ago when my brother and I got one of those value packs from Walmart and pulled 2 or 3 ex cards from the packs along with the old promo Typhlosion. :D

- Luigi
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I normally get really crap pulls....not this week. I got 10 packs on Monday, and got a LV X Infernape (new one)

and yesterday was immense!

10 boosters (4 Rising Rivals, 2 Legends, 4 Stormfront)

LV X Glaceon
Shiney Voltorb
Holo Manaphy
Holo Magneton
+ More.

I usually get like 1 holo in 10 packs if I'm lucky. :)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Oh sorry....I got.....well I got two Rising Rivals Blisters (so 4 boosters of that, and two of.....must have been Majestic Dawn?) then I got 3 Storm Front, and 1 Legends Awakened. My bad.

Still I was due it. Honestly I normally pull TOTAL crap.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

my brother once pulled a tentacruel that was crimped in between the two foil parts of the pack.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Ugh, I got a pack of RR, and got Mamoswine GL. At least they were free for me. -_-

On the other hand, my brother got Gallade 4 LV. X....the card I needed. Also, my cousin got Charon's Choice, Shifty, Floaztzel GL, Arcanine, Bebe's, and Hippowdon in 3/4 packs.

My luck sucks. >.<
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

My friend told someone to open their pack at a BR today, and another guy said my friend cursed the kid with Bronzong 4. The kid opened the pack and pulled Bronzong 4.

Later, my friend told me to open a pack I got for getting 2nd. When I opened it, I got Bronzong 4.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

today, i got a tin and then 5 packs of rr
and i got
mewtwo lv x promo
reverse licklicky
reverse seviper
reverse starmie
reverse vaporeon
rare holo mew
rare holo staraptor
electabuzz reprint
and some other common and uncommon reprints
i was lucky, but no lv x's
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled a Garveredior lv.X! But then I stupidly traded it to my friend.

yesterday I opened 2 RR packs and got an Infernape 4! I also got all of Byrons pokemon! Bastidon GL rules! The sad thing is that 1 of 2 Rare holos was a 20 damage 60 health Jirachi.:(
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled out a sweet gold star mew from the dragon frontiers set :)

also back in the day when i knew nothing about pokemon and just enjoyed buying packs and recieving shiney cards, i got myself a shining charizard and then gave it to my friend thinking it was fake :(

can remember walking into the local toymaster in poole (england) and they had just had a new delivery of cards and the guy at the till said " hay do u want these cards they were in the bottom of the box we just opened" i thought they were gonna be any old cards but turned out to be the shining Mudkip, Treeko and torchic. Mint and everything.

Best pull ive ever made and will probly never be topped :)

Rivallz said:
Dark Fire: That is impossible, unless the cards are fake OR there was a big error and you lucked out. Can you provide a scan?

Anyways, I got 3 GE packs and 2 tins, 1st and last had a Palkia Lv.X and Electivire Lv.X respectly.

why is it impossible to pull gold stars out a booster ??
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I bought 12 packs all RR and pulled 2 out of three of the pikachu reprints the flying pikachu and regular pikachu reprint I was happy since I am a collector and was able to pull a flygon.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

OK, I got a LA pack today, hoping for an Uxie....I opened the pack, hoping but not expecting....oh hi thar Uxie. You're looking mighty fine today.

Makes up for yesterday.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Lol^. Got RI box finally. Pulled Infernape Lv.X, Gallade Lv.X, Frost Rotom, Charon's Choice, and Base Set Pikachu. Also have every Holo Rare and Rare from the set as well.

dmaster out.
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