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Ian's Trade Thread [H] Chomp C Lv. X , Rare Candy (RH) [W] Poketurn

RE: Ian's Trade Thread (USA) [H] Gengar X,Absol G X, Garchomp C X...

p8ntchucker7 said:
I have 8 Special Dark Energies, 2 Moonlight Stadiums (1 RH), 4 Volkner's Philosophy (1 RH), 2 Toxicroak G, 2 Skuntank G, 2 Looker's Investigation (1 RH), and 2 Infernape 4. I'm interested in your Gengar X, Blaziken FB, Bronzong G, and Cyrus's Conspiracy.

my: Blaziken FB, Bronzong G, and Cyrus's

your: 2 Special Dark, 2 Moonlight Stadiums, 2 Volkner's, 2 Toxicroak G, 2 Skuntank G, 2 Infernape 4
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

So no deal on the Cyrus?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

Alex(charm)ander said:
So no deal on the Cyrus?

yea im sorry it looks like I need to keep it for a throw in to get they main cards i need, sorry i didn't reply quicker I'm still getting the hang of trading on here
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +


I happen to have these...
x2 Uxie (Promo)
x2 Volkner's
x2 Marley's
x2 Looker's

I'm interested in...
x1 Blaziken FB
x1 Tyranitar SF
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Luxury Ball

Let me know what you think and we can settle something out, okay?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

Hey. Sorry, but I think I'm getting those cards from another trade now.
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

How about my Toxicroak G and Marley's for your Blazekin FB?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

SnorlaxDude said:

I happen to have these...
x2 Uxie (Promo)
x2 Volkner's
x2 Marley's
x2 Looker's

I'm interested in...
x1 Blaziken FB
x1 Tyranitar SF
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Luxury Ball

Let me know what you think and we can settle something out, okay?

I will take a look at your list and see what we can do

p8ntchucker7 said:
Hey. Sorry, but I think I'm getting those cards from another trade now.

no problem, thanks for the heads up
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

SnorlaxDude said:

I happen to have these...
x2 Uxie (Promo)
x2 Volkner's
x2 Marley's
x2 Looker's

I'm interested in...
x1 Blaziken FB
x1 Tyranitar SF
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Luxury Ball

Let me know what you think and we can settle something out, okay?

do you have any Crobat G , Toxicroak G, or PokeDrawer?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

Unfortunently, I don't have any of those.
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

SnorlaxDude said:
Unfortunently, I don't have any of those.

What would you give off that list for my Tyranitar SF,
Cyrus's Conspiracy and Luxury Ball?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread (USA) [H] Gengar X,Absol G X, Garchomp C X...

ThePokemonProfessor said:
I want your Gengar Lv.X... From you wants I have:
ALOT of Sp. Dark Energy
1x Crobat G (Can get 2 if it's really needed...)
2x Heatran Lv.X (SF)
1x Heatran Lv.X (Tin)
1x Marley's Request (Might have more if I can find them...)
I don't need it that badly so I doubt I'd trrade a 2nd Crobat G, but what can we work out?

RE: Ian's Trade Thread (USA) [H] Gengar X,Absol G X, Garchomp C X...

ThePokemonProfessor said:

sorry i skipped you but the Gengar X is involved in another trade at the moment but its not final im still waiting to hear back on my counter but if it doesnt work out i will let you know and see what we can do
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

Would you do

Mightyena 4

blaziken fb
any lapras from any set
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

GHJamesGH said:
Would you do

Mightyena 4

blaziken fb
any lapras from any set

sorry I'm supposed to be getting the Mightyena from someone else I'm just waiting for them to finalize. But I'll take a look at your list for my Blaziken FB. Oh and sorry i dont have any Lapras

GHJamesGH said:
Would you do

Mightyena 4

blaziken fb
any lapras from any set

do you have a link to your trade thread?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

How about...

x1 Uxie (Promo)
x2 Looker's

x1 Tyranitar
x1 Luxury Ball
x1 Cyrus's
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

SnorlaxDude said:
How about...

x1 Uxie (Promo)
x2 Looker's

x1 Tyranitar
x1 Luxury Ball
x1 Cyrus's

do you have any moonlight or speed stadiums?
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

Ian. said:
do you have any moonlight or speed stadiums?

I only have x1 Speed Stadium.
RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawe

SnorlaxDude said:
I only have x1 Speed Stadium.

x1 Uxie (Promo)
x2 Marley's
x1 Speed Stadium

x1 Tyranitar
x1 Luxury Ball
x1 Cyrus's

RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Gengar X,Garchomp C X (W) Crobat G, Toxicroak G, Pokedrawer +

My Heatran Lv.x pack
for your
Absol G lv.x