Wi-Fi Trades IceMew's trading market w/darkrai(movie),arceus,shiny, event pokemon. looking for....

RE: IceMew's "My Player" Thread

Nature/IV's of Latios? I'll trade you a Piplup @ Electrizer and a Chimchar @ TM 26 for it if it's good.
RE: IceMew's "My Player" Thread

they're junk but it was an event
hardy 0/6/15/19/10/8

my original one isn't much better though it isn't great
RE: IceMew's "My Player" Thread

I'm desperat for a 10 aniv Celebi will trade BIG what do you want check my sig or just ask me
RE: IceMew's "My Player" Thread

IceMew's Mew used Aura Sphere

It's Super effective

IceMew's Topic was bumped
RE: IceMew's TT Have: Darkrai+Event Pokemon, Shinies Want: see inside!!! I also clone!!!

i will trade for magmotar.
RE: IceMew's TT Have: Darkrai+Event Pokemon, Shinies Want: see inside!!! I also clone!!!

I don't have a Magmortor but I have a magamar+izer.
RE: IceMew's TT Have: Darkrai+Event Pokemon, Shinies Want: see inside!!! I also clone!!!

want to trade?
RE: IceMew's TT Have: Darkrai+Event Pokemon, Shinies Want: see inside!!! I also clone!!!

want to trade?
RE: IceMew's TT Have: Darkrai+Event Pokemon, Shinies Want: see inside!!! I also clone!!!


You are only allowed to bump your thread if you make an update to it or have something else to discuss. ~DRK176
how about a.. check my thread!
do you have a acerus, i have a lv.100 shiny electivire to trade.and i want the magmar+izer! so check my thread.
wnat magmorizer,earthquake tm,avalanche tm,drain punch tm,focuspunch tm, and mabye more! look at my player thread fot pokemon you want:0
Hey I need your lv 80 timid Arceus. I have 5 shinies you might want, but i'll trade 2 of them for it. Either Electrike, Manectric, Tentacool, Tentacruel or Sandslash. If not, check my player thread in my sig. But I really need it quickly cause I'm on holidays soon.
RE: IceMew's trading market w/darkrai(movie),arceus,shiny, event pokemon. looking for

i have a shiny nidoran female and a shiny houndour, i wanted a shiny evee and the movie darkrai( not both for both i have others to offer) PM me if u wanna trade
chargerfan2185 said:
i have a shiny nidoran female and a shiny houndour, i wanted a shiny evee and the movie darkrai( not both for both i have others to offer) PM me if u wanna trade

***want*** not wanted