Pokemon If Pokemon Were Real...

I'd really want a Ditto and breed it with your Pokemon ( if it were to become real i guess... ) to have more Pokemon. hehe
lol, I like rounin's description of using Torterra's tree as a shade, loL! Tis a fantastic idea!

Hmm I would go for Lugia cause I can fly on his back or go diving with him. Charizard isn't a bad choice either. I like camping and hiking and when it's cold that flame on the tail would help me out :D Snorlax would be cool too since he would be my giant trampoline/cushion/couch.

swampert-- using Dialga as a time machine to get rich off antiques is the greatest idea I've heard yet! haha xD
Well as you can see by my picture-blaziken

He can use his speed to get me to school and play soccer with his blaze kick lol :p
wigglytuff too. why u ask?
wikipedia: "Wigglytuff has a layer of supple fur on its body fine enough that it cannot be seen unless very up close. The fur has become a popular aspect of Wigglytuff on its own; it has been described as exquisitely pleasant and the ultimate in luxuriousness. People who have felt Wigglytuff’s fur have had a hard time stopping feeling it because it feels so heavenly. In fact, some people attest that sleeping next to a Wigglytuff is simply divine. Even the Pokémon find the fur irresistible; If two Wigglytuff are to snuggle together, they will not want to be separated."

Snorlax mattress + Wigglytuff pillow + Teddiursa stuff toy = nice loong sleep ..that would be soo nice... *yawn*
I'd have to choose Alakazam, because having a Psychic Pokemon take care of all your bullies is l33t.

Shawn out.