Pokemon If Pokemon Were Real...

apparently yea, but they happen to be in my party at the same time, so its not like i just chose some that seemed cool
I think I would have a Heatran cozz it would be awesome to ride walls upside down :D or maybe a Rayquaza...
if pokemon were real, wow! what a wonderful world indeed! i would just have to have a mew!MEW!! the cutest,the most powerful, the best!!
i would like a giratina because i can scare the person into making this thread so he could make
it 10 pokemon to make real.
and i could scare people into giving me there stuff
I'd get a cherubi and teach it Double team Subsatute, growl and Flash.
Then i'd go up to people and be all., hey want a cherry. then when I put it in the persons hand I'd have Cherubi use flash to stun the person then Sub and doub for extreme confusion. Then they'd aLL START GROWLING AT THE person.. (sorry for caps error). That would be fun.
Hmmmmmmmmmm..... Regice, definitley. It's my favorite pokemon to start with, and nobody could ever beat it, becaue it's one of the best legendary pokemon. I really woudn't have to take care of it, because it can obviously take care of itself. But not to the point of totally ignoring it.

P.S. By the way, I know this is of topic, and I'm really sorry, but do you know where I can get a really good trainer card? I need one with
regice. And please just don't tell me to go to that forum. Please?

Well, let's just say that i'd be standing there with my Flygon flying over my head. My manene on my shoulder, my mr. mime stading cross armed. My cyndaquill on my other shoulder. My happiny in my arms and my misdreavous floating above.

Then, every challenge along the way, with courage I will face. I will battle everyday to my rightfull place. It's a whole new world we live in...

No, seriously, I will be strong.

beat up really weirdos
make marshmallows
ski while holing on to flygon
eat bunnies together... ahh ^o^