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I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W:DrX and DEX EXs and FAs

Tornadus EX

2 Garbodor (2 RH)
1 Hydreigon RH DRX
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W:DrX and DEX EXs and FAs

cf11 said:
Tornadus EX

2 Garbodor (2 RH)
1 Hydreigon RH DRX

I could do that but you know the hydreigons i have left arent the dark trance versions right?
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W:DrX and DEX EXs and FAs

Would you do:

Giratina EX

Hydreigon (Holo; Dark Trance)
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W:DrX and DEX EXs and FAs

SoulWind said:
Would you do:

Giratina EX

Hydreigon (Holo; Dark Trance)

Hydreigon was traded sorry. Is there anything else you would want for giratina EX? Make sure you check my original post as some cards have been traded already
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W: Playable cards!!!

Sleeping Snorlax said:
My: Darkrai EX, Tornadus EX, and 4x Pokemon Catcher
Your: Shiny Quaza DRX

ahh man thats tough cause i need all those cards. Let me get back to you my first battle roads tourney will be on sep 29th and ill let you know closer to then
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W: Playable cards!!!

exdarkrai01 said:
ahh man thats tough cause i need all those cards. Let me get back to you my first battle roads tourney will be on sep 29th and ill let you know closer to then

Since I need it for my first battle roads I'll add a registeel EX if you accept it and can send tomorrow.
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W: Playable cards!!!

Hello, i'm interested in the shiny rayquaza. The cards that i have off your wants are as follows

Deck Wants:
Tornadus EX
Skyarrow bridge
Dark Patch
Professor Oaks New theory x4

Tornadus EX

Tornadus EX FA

i also have 3 terrakion ex, but all of them are FA. I also have random holos from that set as well. Wondering if we could work out a deal. LMK
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W: Playable cards!!!

Everyone interested: Shiny rayquaza has been traded. I will let yall know when i get another one!
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W: Playable cards!!!

Still got the Charizard Base set Holo? What condition is it in?

I was offering my Giratina EX earlier. :)
RE: H: DrX, DEX, WoTC W: Playable cards!!!

The base set charizard in in excellent to nm condition but im not seeing equal value for a giratina. I know your a seller so what about a base set 2 miscut venusaur
RE: H: EXs and Dragons exalted!!!

Have a bunch of DRX RH's

Interested in:
GFPD Blend Energy
WLFM Blend Energy x2
Entei EX FA
Kyogre EX FA
Groudon EX
Raikou EX
+ anything else you have on my wants list. LMK.
RE: H: EXs and Dragons exalted!!!

Okay do you think you could pm me a list of all the drx rev holos you have? Btw i value reverse holos at .25 common .50 ucommon and things like blends and whatnot accordingly. Im just trying to get the whole reverse set but depending on what you have i could trade groudon or kyogre fa!!