• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

RE: MAJOR UPDATE!!! H: Hydreigons, Darkrai EX!!! W: Krookodile Secret Rare!

I'm VERY interested in your Darkrais. You expressed an interest in my Eelektriks, and I've got a bunch of your RH wants, and you can CML for more.
RE: MAJOR UPDATE!!! H: Hydreigons, Darkrai EX!!! W: Krookodile Secret Rare!

Puff said:
I'm VERY interested in your Darkrais. You expressed an interest in my Eelektriks, and I've got a bunch of your RH wants, and you can CML for more.
Really only interested in my dragons exalted wants right now to finish off the set. I am about to update my wants

Your Master said:
I want:
2x Hydreigon
I have:
2 Dark Vileplume
1 Here Comes Team Rocket
Rev Emolga
Rev Beautilfly
Probably a few other Revs from DRX
Mew EX NFA x3

I dont plan on trading all of that but my thread isn't up yet so you can't cml

Okay slightly interested in the 3 mew EX but mainly looking for the full art version. I will update wants in a few minutes so let me know what else you have!
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

Hey, can you cml for the following

Ho-oh EX FA
Terrakion EX FA
Hydreigion Dark Trance 2x

Thank you.
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

CML for terrakion ex fa. I have a reg terrakion ex but it's a printer error
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

My shiny archeops for your FA ho oh or terrakion? :) LMK
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

I can give you a Raikou EX for a FA Ho-Oh EX
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

Is there a way that you could do this trade?


Tornadus EX (regular)
Wailord DRE
Venusaur DEX


x1 Garbodor DRE

Let me know if that works.
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

Numberonewill- Saw Groudon EX FA. Im probably going to save my ho-oh and terrakion to try and find a mew FA. I have 1 hydreigon left and 1 chomp
Snorlax. Didnt really see anything atm mainly looking for Mew Ex FA for terrakion
Hydro Cannon- I think ill pass for now though thanks
cf11- Is it full art?
Vulpix- No thanks man tornadus isnt to high on my wants.

Thanks for all the offers guys i really do appreciate when people make fair offers my high wants are few and far between right now though!
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

2/82 Dark Arbok
7/82 Dark Golbat
8/82 Dark Gyarados
16/82 Rocket's Sneak Attack
17/82 Rainbow Energy
83/82 Dark raichu

26/82 Dark Hypno
28/82 Dark Magneton
29/82 Dark Slowbro
71/82 Here Comes Teeam Rocket!
72/82 Rocket's Sneak Attack
darkrai ex tin promo
terrakion ex fa
hydreigon dark trance
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

I dont think i can do that man. Im those are all really low wants of mine and i can buy the entire set for 50 bucks so i think ill pass but let me know if you have any of my main wants.
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

would you take any of it for just hydreigon dark trance?
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

exdarkrai01 said:
Numberonewill- Saw Groudon EX FA. Im probably going to save my ho-oh and terrakion to try and find a mew FA. I have 1 hydreigon left and 1 chomp
Snorlax. Didnt really see anything atm mainly looking for Mew Ex FA for terrakion
Hydro Cannon- I think ill pass for now though thanks
cf11- Is it full art?
Vulpix- No thanks man tornadus isnt to high on my wants.

Thanks for all the offers guys i really do appreciate when people make fair offers my high wants are few and far between right now though!

No it isnt
RE: H: Ho-oh EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Darkrai EX, Hydreigon, Garchomp. W: Look

Ok, and I have some other things too. What would you like for the FA's?
RE: W Mew EX FA!!!! H: Darkrai ex and DRX!!!!!

Bump. Need only 2 more cards from drx after that i will close my thread till boundaries crossed!!!
RE: W: Look H: BC DRE

Bump from the grave. Only have a few wants and haves up for trade right now but ill update as i go
RE: W: Look H: BC DRE

Hello again. I've got a White Kyurem EX FA (a little whiting on the back), and Crystal Wall from BC. I'm interested in your Mewtwo EX (if it's from ND) and Terrakion EX FA. Would you do my White Kyurem EX FA for your Mewtwo EX? Let me know, thanks.

Here's a picture of the White Kyurem: http://s10.postimage.org/ahl0511mv/DSC00408.jpg
RE: W: Keldeo EX H: BC DRE

I got a booster box coming in the next few days. I do still need kyurem full arts but im not really in any rush to get those cards as their value will drop so im gonna have to pass for now. Thanks though man i always appreciate a fair offer.