• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

RE: Want Trop Beach and FA Skyla! Have Landorus EX!!!

Can you please CML for
Landorus EX
RE: Want Skyla FA and Bianca FA

Hey can youcml for the SR Golurk please. Thank you

Note: currently do not have any of your wants.
RE: Want Sigilyph, Eels, Staples!

I got the eels and sigilyphs, as well as a few of the trainers you need. Do you have any unused codes?
RE: Want Sigilyph, Eels, Staples! Have EX's and Meta!

Eel x3

Secret Rare Altaria
Eviolite (If you have one)
RE: Want Sigilyph, Eels, Staples! Have EX's and Meta!

I dont have an eviolite but I could do that if you added in another sigilyph and a skyla.
RE: Want Sigilyph, Eels, Staples! Have EX's and Meta!

I can do
3x Eel
Sigilyph x2
For your secret rare altaria and a dark patch
RE: Want: Stuff Have EX's and Meta!

I have 4x Empoleons and a few Junipers
Interested in 2x Landorus EX
CML for anything else!