LuckyPokeGirl, it doesn't seem like you're READING what people are replying with. You're simply throwing things out of proportion.
Important, intelligent, and fun games will survive. From reading through the thread, some games will survive. The ones that prove to be the most-wanted, and fit the criteria (important, intelligent, and fun) will stay. I'm guessing this includes popular games such as Werewolf, The Challenge (both of which were mentioned earlier), and maybe a few roleplays.
So LuckyPokeGirl, please relax. You're overexaggerating what seems to be a big change, but it's really not.
And I agree with ShadowLugia about the scapegoating part, although from my discussions in chat, that's not entirely the case here and it shouldn't be interpreted that way. We want to make this website a more Pokemon-driven website and raise our reputation among the popular Pokemon forums. If the reason you are here is because of the Game Corner, then you are here for the wrong reason.