RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 6 Ends Monday at 9:00 Pm Est.
Wow you guys really got this in on time, I have to give you major kudos for pulling it off in the end, I hate to say I doubted you all, but I did, and you proved me wrong, well done!
Effort: 4/10 I see some
Originality: 3/10 Grass cat, elemental things are fun done in its own challenge, but it is just kinda boring if not done really well in a normal fusion
Overall: 4/10 This technically classifys as a fusion, but you basically just took persian and twigged it out (<-- Pun intended) with a bunch of grassy things, a little more Kadabra could have been used, and the placing for its star is off, remember your looking at it from an angle.
Totat Score: 11/30
Light Manaphy
Effort: 7/10 I see a good deal
Originality: 7/10 Looks like the Halloween spirit got into someobody

It's pretty orignal
Overall: 8/10 Looks great, you placed everything according to angle, whoo =] No real complaints, only two minor things, it would have been pretty cool to have the black tail fire to go over Skarmorys tail, would have been hard but sweet. And if you could have darkened Cubons cracks a little bit, that would have made the skull blend a little better
Totat Score: 22/30
Effort: 4/10 ehhh
Originality: 4/10 Rotom and Snorlax WAY WAY WAY overused, although the new forms help a little
Overall: 3/10 I'm sorry, this is one of the most akward fusions I have ever seen. The Microwave belly looks pretty bad, it looks just like an indent. You just pasted Giritanas head on there, you didn't even fix the eyes. Shaymins stuff seems pretty random to me.
Totat Score: 11/30
Effort: 7/10 Yeah, I see some
Originality: 6/10 I like the idea
Overall: 6/10 It blends well, the only problems I see are that you didn't use much of the other pokemon, and T-tars diamond is not placed right, remember, you are looking at it from an angle!
Totat Score: 19/30
Ta Da, scores!!