INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Light Manaphy Is The Winner!

RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

mine will be in soon!!
I'm making bonsly!!

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Pokémaniac said:

It's sorta the stage between a fish and a dragon. (Like Birds and Dinosaurs =P)

Hmm...I was hoping everyone would do a Pokemon scratch, not a Fakemon.....but once again, I was not specific enough, so I will have to let it in.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Oh, like a re-pose? >_< So you wanted a scratch of a real Pokemon?
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

That was the idea, but it wasn't specific, the term re pose isn't really standard on this forum, but I know it is on others, this is fine, and it will be graded just like the others.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Pokémaniac said:
Oh, like a re-pose? >_< So you wanted a scratch of a real Pokemon?

Don't worry, you will be graded fairly. =]
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

I am having trouble with posting, probably is my computer,anyways here is my entry:

I couldn,t resist using a glow :)
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Nice LM. =]

Now we only need PIPLUP's entry.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Great, thanks LM! Now we wait for Piplups entry!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Mine will be in tonight :) :)

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Here is my entry!!!


I hope you like it!!
*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Round 7 is over. Judges, you may submit your scores. Mine scores will be in later tonight.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

I really hope to pass *crosses fingers* we have just to wait for the scores.
Piplup:Just a small suggestion, when you scratch don,t use the circle tool on paint, scratch it :F
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Sorry for the delay guys. I don't have time to do the scores tonight. Sorry. =[

I promise mine will be in tomorrow morning.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

I can do scores if you need....
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Light Manaphy: Thanks!!

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 7 ends Sunday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Sorry, ok I'm here to judge


Effort: 7/10 I see some
Originality: 6/10
Overall: 6/10 The shading is decent, but everything else looks kind of cluttered
Totat Score: 19/30

Light Manaphy:

Effort: 7/10 I defenitly see some
Originality: 7/10 Darkrai is a hard pokemon to scratch, well done
Overall: 7/10 Well done
Totat Score: 21/30


Effort: 4/10 ehh
Originality: 3/10 easy pokemon to scratch
Overall: 3/10 Make it much smaller next time, and everything is pretty uneven
Totat Score:10/30
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Round 5 Ends Wednesday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Here are my scores!

light manaphy:

Effort: 8/10 I see alot of effort in this.
Originality: 5/10 I would have liked to see another Pokemon besides Darkrai, because you scrathed a mini Darkrai in the Kirbymon round.
Overall: 8/10 I like it. I wish you hadn't done the glow though...
Totat Score: 21/30


Effort: 6/10 Scratching always takes alot of effort, but I wish you had scratched a harder Pokemon.
Originality: 4/10 Bonsly is to easy to scratch.
Overall: 6/10 The shading looks layered...not shaded. I do like it though.
Totat Score: 16/30


Effort: 7/10 A little sloppy.
Originality: 6/10 Original, but a little random...
Overall: 6/10 Good job. I would have liked to see a Pokemon scratch though.
Totat Score: 19/30


Once bonsly post his scores, we can move on to the final round.

FPM: If bonsly scores are not in by 9:00 Pm Est tonight, you can take his place this round.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

I have been watching this take place, and like to say that I am amazed with all the talent here. Thanks for a great contest!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

Your welcome. Thanks for watching the contest. =]

Come on bonsly or FPM, get those scores in!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

When there are to many judges, this is one of the problems occur, especially when there are different time zones. If I recall, FPM is in England, he won't get any scores in until tommarow...seeing as its like 3 am there, Bonsly...well hopefully he will get those scores in soon.