RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!
Hey I will step in!
Afterall I said I would post my scores..
These are in NO WAY official unless INFERNAPE aproves.
light manaphy:
Effort: 7/10 I do see quite a bit of effort
Originality: 5/10 Only you can scratch darkrai so well.

But it's been used by you already.
Overall: 8/10 I like it. The glow was overused by you though.

Totat Score: 20/30
Effort: 6/10 Looks like there is some but it's hard to see
Originality: 4/10 First bonsly used in this contest...but he is to easy to do.
Overall: 4/10 Meh, it looks a bit to sloppy the shading is not very good either.
Totat Score: 14/30
Effort: 7/10 I do see quite a bit of effort
Originality: 7/10 I do like the idea and it looks good also!
Overall: 7/10 I liked it very much it looks cool the shaing is good. But I woulda liked to have seen an acctually scratch pokemon from you...but this works.

Totat Score: 21/30
Once again these are not official but however I thought I would step in and give my vote.
Sorry if this was a bit Harsh of scoring but I am not going easy here, so you guys can improve.