INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Light Manaphy Is The Winner!

RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

Normally, I would just move on with two judges scores, but since this is the second to last round....I would like to have three judges scores.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

Hey I will step in!

Afterall I said I would post my scores..

These are in NO WAY official unless INFERNAPE aproves.

light manaphy:

Effort: 7/10 I do see quite a bit of effort
Originality: 5/10 Only you can scratch darkrai so well. :D But it's been used by you already.
Overall: 8/10 I like it. The glow was overused by you though. :D
Totat Score: 20/30


Effort: 6/10 Looks like there is some but it's hard to see
Originality: 4/10 First bonsly used in this contest...but he is to easy to do.
Overall: 4/10 Meh, it looks a bit to sloppy the shading is not very good either.
Totat Score: 14/30


Effort: 7/10 I do see quite a bit of effort
Originality: 7/10 I do like the idea and it looks good also!
Overall: 7/10 I liked it very much it looks cool the shaing is good. But I woulda liked to have seen an acctually scratch pokemon from you...but this works. :D
Totat Score: 21/30



Once again these are not official but however I thought I would step in and give my vote.

Sorry if this was a bit Harsh of scoring but I am not going easy here, so you guys can improve.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

Thank you Charizard. =]

I would aprove them, but it would be unfair considering you were a contestant.

If the judges don't get their scores in soon, we will just move on without them.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

Like I said there official, and they can see them from a fellow contestants point of veiw. I said I would do it. I just didn't have time to scratch a sprite this past time.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Scores are in!

Both judges have not been on for a while, so I think we will just move on with just two judges scores.

Now for the winner of Round 7....Light Manaphy! Nice job...again...LOL!

ELIMINATED: PIPLUP. Great job on making it this far. You did very well. Here is your trophy. =] (Please give credit to bonsly1994 for the trophy).


Congratulations to are finalists! Both of you have done extremly well. Now for the final round....

ROUND 8: Fusion of 6 Pokemon. (I know we have already done two rounds of fusions, but I think fusions is a good choice for the final round, because it can really bring out the best in a spriter).

DUE DATE: Saturday at 9:00 Pm Est.

Good luck guys, and may the best spriter win!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

The 3rd place is always special to me, because thats what I got in the first contest I ever participated in, INFERNAPES 2nd contest =] Haha I remember getting that same trophy =] Well done Piplup. And I hope to see an epic battle between you two next round, Fusion of 6, come on guys make them awesome!

Congrats LM, what how many times have you won in a row...I smell a record :)
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

After a long night of spriting, I present to you my final sprite for this contest:







Good luck Light Manaphy!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Well i'm out..Well at least I get a cool trophy :) :)
Thank you INFERNAPE for everything!!!!!!!
Good luck to you guys :) :)
Bye bye everybody!!

Bye bye!!
*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Pokémaniac said:
So is that:
Entire Dratini with Wingulls wings and Scythers blade behind the wings???
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

MK: LOL! I have been using the same trophys since my second contest. XD

Pokémaniac: That was quick. It looks really cool, good job. =]

PIPLUP: Your welcome. =]
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Ooo this is going to be a close one, good job Pokemaniac, well done! LM I CANNOT WAIT to see yours!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Thats 6 Pokemon that are pretty much outcasts in spriting.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

There's no such thing as an outcast in spriting, there are under-used and over-used but if things can be done well with any pokemon in spriting!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Under-used is what I meant :p
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Prof. Shinx said:
Pokémaniac said:
So is that:
Entire Dratini with Wingulls wings and Scythers blade behind the wings?

-Dratini's body(un-recoloured, better that way.)
-Wingull's Wings
-Scyther's blade
-Teddiursa's Ears/nose/moon(All the moons had to be scratched, though)
-Weedle's spikes
-Croconaw's awesome back frill(The bottom one is scratched.)

Thanks guys! I can't wait for LM's either!
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final results for Round 7 are posted!

Hey I was gone and grounded. :p

GREAT job did a nice job. Maybe you will someday...follw in your brother tracks and have FAMOUS spriting I will look forrward to those!

Also GREAT job LM.

VERY NICE AND COOL! reminds me of a gunship...a bit starwars...I think.
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final Round Has Started!

Mine will be tomorrow.
Pokemaniac:You will be hard..the unique part that may not fit are scyther´s blades otherwise I wouldn,t never think making that :F

Good luck, may the best spriter win :)
EDIT:If I finish it, it will be tonight
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final Round Has Started!

Great LM! Glad to see both of you guys getting your entries in early. =]
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final Round Has Started!

After a long time of bumping my head on the wall for getting some ideas here is my final entry:
Mixing the beauty with the uglyness the bad with the good:

OK let me explain:
Crawdaunt:pincers and the red and blue lines on the front (Since it didn,t fit I chaned the color scheme and scratched part of it :F)
Dialga: Well I only took the idea and color of the blue line, I fully scratched those lines :F
RE: INFERNAPE's 4th Spriting Contest! Final Round Has Started!

Cool LM! Scores will be in soon!

Judges, please enter your scores.