BW/BW2 Infinite use TMs!

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TheDarkLucario said:
Gamefreak is a second party Company, meaning Nintendo doesn't have anything to do with the game besides publish it >.>

You guys are saying "Earthquake on every Poke!!!" What if your running a special sweeper >.>

Haha u got a point there
Most good moves you can buy again anyway, like EQ. I like this because it allows you to get multiple Gym Leader TMs. For example, I'm sad in my Diamond because I have no more Stealth Rocks. This can only be a good thing.

Densetsu said:
Competitive play: This is in NO way going to effect competitive battling. Do you really think after a guy taught his Salamence Earthquake through a TM that he didn't teach his Aerodactyl it because he already used it?...No way, he just had to go online and find another one. If anything this is a blessing to competitive play, they were gonna give their pokemon atleast one of the same move through TM and now it's made easier.

This man is smart. Listen to him.
PokeBeach Bum said:
I guess this is fine, but inside it'll feel like I'm cheating. :O


Definition of Cheating: Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others, Cheating implies the breaking of rules. The term "cheating" is less applicable to the breaking of laws, as illegal activities are referred to by specific legal terminology such as fraud or corruption.

Your not cheating :)
TheDarkLucario said:

Definition of Cheating: Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others, Cheating implies the breaking of rules. The term "cheating" is less applicable to the breaking of laws, as illegal activities are referred to by specific legal terminology such as fraud or corruption.

Your not cheating :)
I feel a lot better now.
Playerking95 said:
What's the point of using your money though?

Pokeballs, potions, vitamins, repels, other items, room decorations or whatever (if they have them) ect ect....who the heck just spends money on TMs and NOTHING else during the main game unless they're doing a challenge run?
Yeah but personally i don't like the idea but i might get used to it but then again i've still yet to get used to that stupid Merguko or whatever.
you will probably be able to obtain the really great TM's after you get trough the storyline of the game
I really like this idea. I've never competitively batted outside of Shoddy, but I'm obsessed with collecting items in RPGs, even the most useless ones. Because of this, I hate using a TM if I have only one of it because I want to collect each and every one of them. This way, I only need one and no matter how many times I use it, it'll always be right there in my inventory, completing my list of TMs!
All they need is to make IV breeding and EV breeding easier and I might consider playing with Wi-Fi again lol
Playerking95 said:
What's the point of using your money though?

Along with HypnoFanGirl's response, those items and possibly new items, and they haven't confirmed this, but rare TMs could possibly be one time use.
Actually EQ abuse could be a blessing in disguise- Opponent's *Insert 3 Pokes here* used EQ! The Opponent's *Insert Pokemon here* Fainted! If you are using Musharna, and you Telekinesis your own Pokemon, you win, they lose half their team.

Anyway, no more of the 'Should I teach EQ to Feraligatr, Heracross or Tangrowth'.
paddy185 said:
Actually EQ abuse could be a blessing in disguise- Opponent's *Insert 3 Pokes here* used EQ! The Opponent's *Insert Pokemon here* Fainted! If you are using Musharna, and you Telekinesis your own Pokemon, you win, they lose half their team.

Anyway, no more of the 'Should I teach EQ to Feraligatr, Heracross or Tangrowth'.

Not everyone abuses EQ. It's not the most powerful move in the game. Your not gonna run EQ on a special sweeper are you? That would be pure stupidity! STAB, Stats, Typing, Effectiveness, and Coverage. Consider that.
TheDarkLucario said:
Not everyone abuses EQ. It's not the most powerful move in the game. Your not gonna run EQ on a special sweeper are you? That would be pure stupidity! STAB, Stats, Typing, Effectiveness, and Coverage. Consider that.
Yes but when not considering competitive battling, while playing through the game its nice to have a powerful move like earthquake on my pokemon, makes beating the elite 4 just alittle bit easier.
imsocool4321 said:
Yes but when not considering competitive battling, while playing through the game its nice to have a powerful move like earthquake on my pokemon, makes beating the elite 4 just alittle bit easier.
Wow -_- I use my competitive team all throughout the game. It makes it easier. Earthquake really isn't powerful, Levitate and Flying types make it puny.
TheDarkLucario said:
Wow -_- I use my competitive team all throughout the game. It makes it easier. Earthquake really isn't powerful, Levitate and Flying types make it puny.

Earthquake is one of the best moves in the game, don't be fooled. Ground is only resisted by Bug, Flying (immune), and Grass. It hits Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel (the best defensive type) super effective. 100 BP and 100 accuracy makes it the most reliable and powerful move in the game with no drawbacks whatsoever. When you consider that all Pokemon who learn Earthquake have access to a move to hit Flying / Levitate Pokemon hard, along with the extremely large distribution, it isn't hard to see why it is the most used move in competitive battling.

The Infinite usage of TM's is a fantastic addition; any competitive battler will be ecstatic about it. It was a huge waste of time before, having to restart entire games just to get access to different TM's. Such a huge waste of time, in fact, that many players hacked for them. This addition should reduce the amount of hacking, but also provide greater variety in the online battling community. From the in-game perspective, it won't be broken, either. The games were never known for their difficulty, so if you wanted the game to be more difficult you had to set restrictions on your actions in the first place. Preventing the use of unlimited TM's during your play-through will accomplish just that, and for younger children it may make the game easier. This can only mean good things.
blasphemy1 said:
Earthquake is one of the best moves in the game, don't be fooled. Ground is only resisted by Bug, Flying (immune), and Grass. It hits Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel (the best defensive type) super effective. 100 BP and 100 accuracy makes it the most reliable and powerful move in the game with no drawbacks whatsoever. When you consider that all Pokemon who learn Earthquake have access to a move to hit Flying / Levitate Pokemon hard, along with the extremely large distribution, it isn't hard to see why it is the most used move in competitive battling.

The Infinite usage of TM's is a fantastic addition; any competitive battler will be ecstatic about it. It was a huge waste of time before, having to restart entire games just to get access to different TM's. Such a huge waste of time, in fact, that many players hacked for them. This addition should reduce the amount of hacking, but also provide greater variety in the online battling community. From the in-game perspective, it won't be broken, either. The games were never known for their difficulty, so if you wanted the game to be more difficult you had to set restrictions on your actions in the first place. Preventing the use of unlimited TM's during your play-through will accomplish just that, and for younger children it may make the game easier. This can only mean good things.
I never said it was useless, I'm just saying a n00b will run EQ on a special sweeper because it's the best move in the game [/sarcasm] That's why we have Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Surf: For the Special's ;]
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