BW/BW2 Infinite use TMs!

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PokeBeach Bum said:
It would be helpful to forget a tm to learn an hm for 1 part in the game and be able to fix it immediately. Now all they have to do is make a hm forgettable without the move deleter.

That Would Be Nice, I Do Not Like HM's Much.
There is a reason that Pokemon cannot forget HM's without the Move Deleter. Let's say you are surfing on your Feraligatr and it levels up after battling a Swimmer and wants to learn Hydro Pump. How could you possibly have the option to delete Surf if you are still surfing on the pokemon?
TheDarkLucario said:
Yea, I see Waterfall on every Kingdra, Gyarados, and some other physical Waters. Waterfall is a extremely good move. :)

And Strength is an ok attack.

And it's good for Platinum cos I taught Flamethrower to Blissey and regretted not teaching it to Infernape. At least I had access to Fire Blast.

Anyway, they should have powerful moves like EQ possibly Tutored or getting it later in the game. We don't even know what TMs there are in this game.
I dont support this update. Believe it or not,we already had infinite TMS before this update,except back then they were call egg moves :p. But seriously,where were the good old days where trying to choose which pokemon to waste your TM on was risky and you could just use the day care centre to get that TM as an egg move onto your baby? I dont have Black And White,but so far I am working on a project about using TMs ass egg moves for my HG/SS game. You think this is a good idea because now lots of pokemon can get earthquake? I actually like challenges and breeding or maybe even chain breeding is a good enough challenge,while Infinite TM's is just "Which pokemon should I teach Hyper Beam to? I know! I'll teach it to my entire team!" Yes,what a great improvement! *sarcasm* And this can ruin training,if people just abuse infinite TMs all the time,imagine how lazy they will be when they try to get at least one pokemon all the way to level 100. Also,new trainers can just go and finish the entire game without even knowing what pokemon breeding is because this evil update has ruined why people would ever want to use the day care centre. I hope this update doesnt stay for the 6th generation or maybe even the next game. Hey,they removed the PokeRadar didnt they.
Nice thread necromancy. Try reading the rules next time. You do realize that not all TM moves are egg moves? People hack for infinite TMs anyway. Just because you like to be inconvenienced does not mean everybody else does.
@wobbufett: Well, lets say you use up your only Earthquake TM on a Flygon. But now, you need the Earthquake on your Rhyperior or something! You can't transfer over the move to other Pokes by breeding unless you gave the TM to a Male and the Pokemon you want is in the same egg group. It just doesn't work.
Doesn't rhyperior learn earthquake by leveling up? And yes I know not all TMs are egg moves,but most of them are egg moves and most of the TMs are not exclusive as a TM.

I just noticed a typo in my first post.
Well that sucks.
@wobbuffet1337: Please don't revive a thread inactive for two weeks or longer, here are the forum rules if you're not familiar. I'll go ahead and lock this up, but if anyone wants to continue discussing the changes to TM mechanics, please don't hesitate to contact me about it; love 'em or hate 'em, TM changes have been the subject of many turned heads as of late. And Rhyperior learns Earthquake at Level 62, so it may or may not be something you want to consider for TM usage, depending on your access to either a high-leveled Rhyperior or TM26.

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