So I realized that i never actually posted here when I joined. Whoops. Anyways, you might already know me, if you keep an eye on the tcg part of the website (I don't do much art, VG, or other stuff). I first found out about Pokebeach a long time ago, if 4-5 years is a long time. I finally joined to try and get advice on my Fairy Box deck, but am now doing a lot of advice giving, memeing, and both simultaneously. My hobbies are Pokemon (obviously), tennis, video games, and anime. I am very much a supporter of the more rogue style decks, and am almost always ready to give someone my advice about playing what decks are comfortable as opposed to more meta. You see, I'm still making decks that are mostly from 2015 or earlier. My best decks are Fairy Box and Ray/Eels, if that let's you know what kind of player I am. I partly play them because I don't have a steady stream of income (because I don't have a job. I may or may not be fixing that problem this summer, though), but largely for two other reasons. The first is that they are comfortable (I'll spare you the talk about why I like that). The second reason is for styling on people new to the game. Nothing joys me more than beating the people (usually 11-12 year olds, since older people know better) who assume that they're miles better than you because they have stuff like Tapu Lele GX, and beating them with stuff that probably stopped being meta before they even started playing.
I apologize if that sounds kind of rude. It's just that I once went up against this one boy who basically kept implying that I had no clue how to play, gave me advice (which was incorrect advice. He told me I should have benched a Rayquaza EX when i needed the spot for a Keldeo, or something like that), and made misplays himself. He attached a DCE that let my teched Tapu Koko GX one shot him, went for chip on my Rayquaza instead of focusing my Eels when he used Espon GX's GX attack (he was playing a Gengar Spread deck, so he could have easily set up to just sweep multiple of my Eels), and then literally like didn't notice when I manually attached three fire energy to a Rayquaza EX when I literally Skyla's for a Lysandre to get his Tapu Lele for the game winning KO. He then went on and told his brother, who's deck he was borrowing after he beat me because I made one misplay the game before and lost (you basically have to play perfectly with older decks or you're doomed), that he needed to fix his deck, because obviously there's a massive problem if I could beat it.
Really sorry about that. Sometimes I just kinda type and don't think too much. Overall, I very much am in love with how nice the Pokemon community is, so please don't take this as me insulting any of you guys. Basically all the people on Pokebeach are awesome people.
I should stop talking before I say something stupid(er). I guess it was a little late, and a little long, but that's my introduction.
TL;DR: I like Pokemon, just don't enjoy people who are disrespectful.