Introduce Yourself!

Hello all. My name is Leric and I'm a TCG collector (just getting back in, actually) and decided to make an account here because of the fantastic information and knowledge that I've seen posted in the TCG Discussion forum just lurking for a couple weeks.

I hope to put together a Want list to post in the Buying/Selling forum within the next couple of weeks, focusing mainly on collecting English cards from Expedition through the EX series (up to Diamond and Pearl). Thanks.
Hey, I'm Blasto. My first game was Silver, but I've played Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Firered, Leafgreen, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold, White, & White 2. I also love the Rumble series, collect the cards (not for competitive purposes), the Stadium games, Colosseum and XD. I especially dislike Ranger and Dungeon games. Favorite Pokemon is Blastoise; been reading Pokebeach news for a while but recently reading the forums.

Other than Pokemon I like Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Animal Crossing and Smash Bros. games, as well as shows like Family Guy, Adventure Time and Regular Show. Glad to be here!
Hello Everyone my name is SeeMeIn3D i joined pokebeach because i always have questions about the tcg game and thought this would be the perfect place to get the answers. I found pokebeach through a google search because i was looking up a deck list, i enjoy site and hope to progress and one day be a MOD. I forgot to mention i also joined to see if i could study through the sites posts to learn enough about the TCG to become a professor hopefully one day i do thats it have a good day.
I joined to meet other Pokemon fans and talk about Pokemon
I remember hearing about this site when I played Pokemon TCG
Pokemon, Video Games, Hockey, Poker
Pokemon TCG
hello, i'm thirsty. i have beenn collecting pokemon cards for just about 11 years now. I just got in to playing the tcg at tournaments so i came to pokebeach for deck help and to get some cards from trade. thanks guys.
Hey guys. I'm Fee, but you can call me Eric, neither of those are my real name. I just joined because of Pokémon X and Y which I'm sure a lot of people who joined recently did. I came to this website because of the rumors, had never even heard of it before then...Anyway I'm following the order of things to do that I got in the PM from Shining Raikou so I haven't read the rules yet or picked out an avatar for myself. If you were to predict my behavior based on past forums it'd be like this.

1. Join
2. Leave(Maybe post once or twice before leaving.)
3. Come back a year or so later and start posting actively for a year or so.
4. Leave Again.

But you know I like to mix things up so I might start out active then leave then come back, then leave again. This is also the first time I used this username. Anyway I hope you remember me for whatever amount of time I'm on this website, even if it's just this post. I know I'll remember this post. I might forget it and wait a year then remember it again but I will definitely remember.
What's up guys I'm Regirocker and I love everything pokemon. I really enjoy playing TCG and all the video games. I'm an avid collector and I am willing to trade.
Hey everyone just collect cards really, found the forum on a random google search. other hobbies include triathlon.
I joined because I saw one of your admins page and their "story" or whatever it's called seems a lot like mine. I just love Pokémon, I've played it since forever! :)
I found out from google, just searching up Pokémon.
Indoors, Video Games, ...tumblr :p, Pokémon, writing, reading
Swimming, Frisbee
I hope to have fun on this site :)
Hello! I'm Kayla and i live in New York. I've started getting into the TCG and have been figuring it out quite quickly. I collected cards so i thought I'd give competitive play a try. I've loved Pokemon since I was like, 6. I'm 14 now so I've played through Platinum, soulsilver, White and Black 2 on my DSi. Just here for some Pokemon fun!
Why you joined: Love Pokemon and since I graduated college over a month ago it has been hard to talk about Pokemon with close friends via texting or the occasional phone call.
Where you found out about PokéBeach: I've been looking at the forum since last December and finally decided I should join.
Your interests: Most types of music, concert going, sports
Hobbies: Pokemon, the occasional comedic YouTube video, and Geography
anything else relevant: I have been playing the games since I got Yellow in the late 1990's and have played every Gen (except 3). I enjoy all generations.
Name is Adrian. I play competitively. Looking for ways to win. What I am doing isnt working. Ive heard about this from other forums Im in but eventually googled you guys. My goal is to make it to Nationals next year and eventually win Worlds.
Hello my name is joe/chronickitty00. Have been a reader of the forums for years only recently joined for the purpose of trading. Thank you for your time :)
Hey guys, I decided to join after some consideration, and you guys seem like a cool community.

And I have loved Pokemon since I picked up a gameboy and put in Pokemon Silver. Then it snowballed from there, I now own one of every single version, from blue and red, to white and black 2, actually, I still do not have Black 1 yet, but once I get money, it shall be mine.
Hello, Pokebeach users and guests!

Hello, I am new here. My name is John K. and I absolutely ADORE Pokemon, especially in the Pokedex #151, Mew, 'cause he's so adorable! Anyways, I joined because I love Pokemon, as you probably would know. I found this website by a post one of my friends made on Google+. I am interested in Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and Mario, like anime and games, and well, my hobbies are pretty much playing on either my laptop or our other computer, and... well, there isn't anything much more to say. I like using lots of grammar like punctuation and capitalization, so be ready for that too, from me at least. Anyway, see you guys later! I hope to see you on the other side!
I started casually playing the TCG about two years ago, but just started playing semi-competitive this year. I was first interested in the game when I heard the online component was being introduced in Black & White - I previously played Chaotic, which was one of the first card games to introduce the online game, and I was desperately looking for another card game to replace it when they stopped making cards. I've pretty much been a fan of Pokemon ever since.

I'm a Canadian player, and recently ended up Top 16 Masters at Nationals with PlasmaKlang (8-2). I was disappointed when I heard about all the cheating that took place, but I did enjoy the tournament as a whole. I was pretty hit and miss for the rest of the season, so I don't really have any other notable accomplishments.

Anyway, that'll have to do.
Hey guys! I'm new here, but certainly not new to the world of pokemon. I've been playing the games, watching the show, and collecting cards since i was 7. I pretty much joined because I really wanted a place to hang out, and talk about pokemon with other fans. My favorite pokemon is a die hard three way tie between my beauties, Blissey, Glalie and Lugia. I have had those three in most of the games since their inception into the games. I love to battle, and hope to get competitive soon!
Anywho, see you all around, and hope to have some great conversations around here.
Hi everbody! I joined these Forums because I love the PTCG and Pokemon in general. I've been playing Pokemon for probably 5 years, and I'm still lovin' it. I hope to see you aroung soon.
Hi everybody. My name is Kiko, I'm an average 15-year old teen from Macedonia. Actually, we don't have the TCG here, but I still love it. I usually use "counterfeit" cards when I play with friends, and recently began playing the TCGO. I like Video Games, pretty much all types, and TV. I also love music, mostly rap, and do some rapping myself. I heard about pokebeach... well in a lot of places but first from google, and decided to join to enhance my knowledge on the TCG, and maybe help some other players :).
I was looking for a great community to exchange experiences to people all over the world. I found about PokeBeach through a friend of mine. I love to play TCG and VG.
I'm from Brazil, so sorry for any english grammar errors. :p