Introduce Yourself!

Hey everyone! I've been a Pokémon fan for over 14 years and recently decided to get more involved in the online fan community. I mostly enjoy playing the main series games in a non-competitive way, but I also am fond of the anime, some of the manga, and various spin-off games.
I have visited Pokebeach regularly as a source for my Pokémon news since 2009, after I found the site when searching for Pokémon fansites. I love the setup of the site and how WPM reports on the latest Pokémon news in an engaging way.
My interests, besides Pokémon, are heavily tied in with pop culture. I love how certain things, like a TV show or a song, can bring million of people together. My main pop culture obsessions at the moment include Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead.
Thanks for reading and I can't wait to get to meet and talk with you all! :)
Hello! I joined because I love making/helping make decks i own alot of decks some proxied to test some are on online and some are real card i love pokemon and i wanted to join a site so i can share mine knowledge of pokemon
Word up, homefries. The name's Ashton, but my username's Souda for a reason. :U That may or may not have to do with pink-haired teenage mechanics.

I'm 17, a lady, an high school senior, a sassmaster, and brutally friendly.

While I have not played the TCG for, oh, six or seven years now, I'm still an avid gamer in this silly franchise.
My favorite Pokermans? Erm, Sableye, Pidgeotto, and uh... Oh! Right! Swellow! (I swear t'God I'd be a bird tamer)

Been playing the games since I was three, honest to God. It's really funny because I can actually BEAT Yellow now, lmao. Good times.
Hey. My name's Brandon. I joined Poke'beach because I like Pokemon. I can't remember how I came across this website exactly. I enjoy drawing Pokemon and Fakemon. If you wanna check out some of my art, go to and look up Marix20.
hey . my name is benjamin i joined pokebeach forum yeah just because i really like pokemon and also because i wanted to talk about the new generation x and y .
i also look about an year and a half because all pokemon news
Hello pokebeach! I'm a long time pokemon fan, played almost all the games and used to be an avid tcg collector. Not much else to say, really ;;
Akwila here. Not much to say really. I'm 23, been playing Pokemon since I was 6 and living in Japan when all this nonsense started. I'm pretty laid back like nothing more than to read some of the hilarity in forums. I'm not much of a poster. I do enjoy wifi battles and I collect Pokemon between B2 and W2. Still haven't gotten around to completing a national dex yet... Oh well. But if you're into wifi battles and want an easy win, I'm up for that (seriously... I just got done with 14 random matchup games and I lost every damn one...). I despise hackers, and people who shut their power off when they lose. So please, if you hack or a poor sport, then don't play. Anywho, I hope to fit into pokebeach nicely!
Hello Pokemon fans! I'm Ellen, I'm 21 years old, & I've been a Pokemon fan since I was 6 way back in 1998. I just want to stay up to date with the last Pokemon news, events, etc. I also just want to talk to & be around another fans/players/collectors such as myself. Hope to interact and get to know you all soon! :D
Hey.I'm Alan.
I want to apologize in advance for my English,it's not my mother tongue.
I'm here know,news 'n stuff.
Don't have anything to say about me,other than the fact that drawing is a pretty big passion I have.
Hey pokefans!!!
My name is Andrew//DueceBlaze27, I'm 20 years of age and love pokemon, music and games!!
I also produce my own music (made plenty of pokemon remakes) and have a huge collection of pokemon stuff!!
well im glad to be apart of the team!! :)

PS. If you want to battle me let me now I have soulsilver, platinum, and black 2!!
Hello everyone.

My alias is Halcyon and I've been a fan of the Pocket Monsters franchise since generation one, Pokemon Red being my first game.
I'm 21 years old and still greatly enjoy the series and I probably will for many more years, haha.
My favorite type is Flying-type (birds are my friends) and my favorite region is probably Hoenn, and yes I'm still hoping for a RSE remake.

I still watch the anime, movies w/ subtitles and read the manga from time to time.
I unfortunately don't have a 3DS but it is definitely top priority as the next generation is practically among us.

I found PBforums a while back when surfing the web for new information regarding X&Y and made an account but never got around to posting so I figured better late than never.

Looking forward to meeting you all!
Hello to everyone and anyone to takes the time to read such a thread, I'm danks and I just joined the forums. Why I joined the forums? I've always loved forum communities to start with, I've even been webmaster to some in the past, none of them as big as I wanted them to be, but that's kind of irrelevant. I joined because I like to read, because I like to write and because I really like Pokemon too...

Not gonna lie, I've known about PokéBeach for a while, I know there must be many others here that found out about PokéBeach from lurking /vp/, that's where I found out about the site, although I spend more time reading Haikus and fanfic here than lurking the stupid threads of /vp/...

I'm interested in many things, I'm studying Computer Ing. in Germany right now, I'm really into computers, writing, I have a huge collection of music (about to hit 24k songs), my uncle is a graphic designer and he's taught me a lot about that too (just an amateur here, nothing too fancy), I love PHP, JAVA and Oracle DB, I play guitar, I play bass, I like jogging every once in a while, I do not write fanfiction but I do enjoy reading it, I like playing pokemon every once in a while and currently am planning on making a fan made pokemon game and well, I continuously come back to the website looking for news on the Pokemon X and Y releases.

Oh yeah, I'm from Venezuela, living in Germany :) (SP, ENG, DE)
Hi Everyone I'm Dominosmster2000, I joined because this seemed like a fun Pokemon community. I found out about PokeBeach, while i was one 4chan T__T. I love anime,manga, nerdy stuff. I love drawing,reading,listening to music, dancing alone in my room. lol<. I love Pokemon :)
Hello! I'm Keegan. I'm 20 years old. I love animals and crafts etc etc. I've been a long-time lurker on Pokebeach but finally decided to make an account and join you guys in the fun.
hi guys! I decided to come here so that i could keep up with everything for pokemon x and y and for other peoples opinions on the new pokemon. I'm 14 and my hobbies are either playing pokemon or watching anime. I found this place by looking at some of the new pokemon for x and y. maybe ill ask a for a few nuzlocke tips also
Eevee & her eveelutions are all my fav Pokemon, as you can tell by my username, I like that they are the image of cats, canines or foxes.
Hello there. My name is X, Pineapple X. But just call me Pax :D

I joined PokeBeach because I have no friends near me who play Pokemon or could even accept me playing Pokemon, so I want to share my interest here with people who don't think I'm immature or childish because I like Pokemon.

I have been checking PB out for a few days now, and I decided to register since this seemed like a good place to share my Pokemon enthusiasm. :)

As you can probably tell, I am a huge Pokemon fan. I have been playing since I was 5 years old. Beside gaming, my hobby (or well, actually a 'job', since I get paid for it) is voice acting. I have been in a few movies and tv shows. So you might have heard my voice somewhere! ;D

But I'm a part of your Pokemon fan crew now, hope you'll accept me as who I am. And btw, sorry for being dramatic, but this is what crappy friends cause. :D