Introduce Yourself!

Hi, I'm apaulieg... a combination of my name and my tendency to apologize a lot.

While I've known about Pokébeach for years, I never signed up for its forum. X and Y has rekindled my interest in Pokémon, and I'm very excited for the game to come around... but chatting about Pokémon in general is pretty cool. So I wanted to make an account to have the ability to post if I really wanted to do so.
Currently, I'm 18, finishing high school, and about to attend UConn's Honors Program. I'm very musical. I play the oboe and am majoring in music in college as an oboist, I sing and I perform in musical theater, I kind of play trombone, and I am teaching myself how to play guitar. I enjoy public speaking (debating, mock trial, and Model UN through high school), and the ideal me does yoga far more, is a vegetarian, and drinks a lot of water and tea, although I can't say I'm in that position now.

I think that's all I needed to fill out. Thanks for reading.
Welp after lurking for awhile I finally made an Account! Been a long time fan of the Video game and the card game and to be a part of this community! Hope to have some good times here.
Been a player of the card game for a few years and looking to start competitive play again. As for the video game side I've played competitive for quite awhile. Never gone to any big tournaments but that hasn't got me down and I try to play as much as possible when I'm not playing StarCraft.
Hellow PokeBeach,

Like some of the new users in the previous spots, Ive also known and have been using this sight been when checking for news on pokemon (anime/game). I decided to finally make one because one, X and Y looks awesome and the anime seems to be making Ash meet up or recall some of this old friends (Charizard, and soon Butterfree ^^). Im surprised that I never made one >< lol
Q.why you joined?
A. To get the latest information an opinions on pokemon.
Q.where you found out about PokéBeach?
Q.your interests?
A. Pokemon,yugioh,naruto,manga,anime, video games and arbys.
A. Playing pokemon,talking to my boyfriend,drawing occasionally,etc
Q.anything else relevant?
A. i have a google plus group called Geeks and Nerds i post pokemon stuff there an other nerdy geeky stuffs.
Hey guys, my name is FT10, and I'm from Montreal, Canada. I've been a serious Pokémon fan since Red and Blue versions first came out. Those games defined my childhood, and I was thrilled to keep playing all the new games as they came out. I heard about PokeBeach through Bulbapedia, and I joined because all other forums aren't discussing X and Y enough for my liking. See you on the forums!

Hey guys! My name is FT10, and I'm from Montreal, Canada. I've been a serious Pokémon fan since Red and Blue versions first came out. Those games defined my childhood, and I've played every other main series game that has come out since then. I heard about PokeBeach through Bulbapedia, and I joined because I feel this is the only forum that is giving enough attention to discussing X and Y. See you on the forums!
I joined PokéBeach's forums because PokéBeach is my main Pokémon information site. I have been using it since before Black and White came out and I really like the way things are run.

I found about Pokébeach when I was looking for news on Black and White.

My interests include Pokémon (GASP), Transformers, Monster Hunter, gaming in general, reading, movie watching and writing. I collect Transformers and I used to collect Pokemon cards until I had to choose between the two...giant robot figures appealed to more than cards.

I have just graduated college and I have more free time than I used to so I decided it was high time I finally make an account.
Hey, guys, my name is RinKagamineILY, which Rin Kagamine is a Vocaloid if you haven't known that already, and I won't say what ILY means if you don't know that. If you don't know what it means feel free to use Google. I came here for 2 reasons, to meet more Pokemon fans who were around since Red/Blue/Green/Yellow. And to sell/trade unneeded cards. I found out about this website from looking up Pokemon card trading forums on Google. I love to draw listen to Vocaloid (Rin) songs. I have a Youtube account of which I post my Pokemon card trading videos but a lot of cards are gone from it, so, yeah, anyways the account name is Neko Kagamine. Uhh that's I've got.
'Ello, I'm Lady_Sylveon (obv lol) and I've been playing Pokemon ever since I was three years old. My first game was Pokemon Yellow, and my favorite game would have to be Pokemon Snap. I've been out of the Pokemon loop for a while, but I've recently gotten back into it. (So please forgive me if I make any beginner-esque mistakes when discussing the newer Pokemon after the 3rd gen. ^^; )

What else? Um... I'm a recently-graduated eighteen-year-old who lives in the states, and I enjoy reading, writing, and playing video games. I love nature, and plan to get an environmental science-related PhD in college.

That's about it, really! I hope to make lots of new friends during my time here. ^^
Hi I'm elektric rat. I joined these forums because I love pokemon and have no one to talk to about it. My friends stopped liking it years ago. Favorite part of pokemon are the shines I have over 30. I'm 21 I've been playing pokemon since it came out. I don't play competitively but I hope to get into it both video game and tcg
Hello everyone, I am YuYoX. I am from Punta Arenas, Chile. In this site i would like to trade cards with other peapole in this site because i have a lot of cards that i don't need. In my city no ones plays the Pokemon TCG, so to play with players that are good in the game i have to assist the national tournaments in our capital. I want to trade cards to make my deck stronger and get useful cards for the future for national tournaments. I found pokebeach by searching for scans of dragons exalted. So... That's me !!!! :p
Hello All! Im new to this site, but not to pokemon trading :) Ive opened a shop up here so please take a look if you like :)
well, looks like I finally joined.
Anyway, I'm professorlight; I've been following the forums for some time now, and it seems that I've finally decided to join.
I like pokemon (in case it isn't obvious), videogames in general, lego and star wars.
I study architecture and 3d modeling, which I've been doing (3d pokemon, mainly) since I was 10 years old.

that's it, I guess.
Hey all! My name is Tori but you can call me Kiddems or Kidd, if you like. I don't play the new Pokemon games nor do I watch the new show but I massively enjoy the Pokemon TCG! I have to be honest and say that I don't quite enjoy the newest generations (you probably get that a lot) but I'm warming up to them thanks to the TCG. I am now wanting to play the games and perhaps watch the show, although I'm still on the Kanto region episodes so it'll take a long while before I get there.
I'm Rick, Brazilian, Bisexual, Fanboy, Internet Addicted...

Q:why you joined
A:I love foruns! But the Brazilian ones are not good, so i joined PB

Q:where you found out about PokéBeach

A:It's a famous fansite, i saw an user talking about it on a Brazilian Forum, and i clicked it (3 years ago)

Q:your interests
A:Tumblr Fandoms, Digital Art, Civil Aviation and Music

A:Drawing, blogging, watching videos, making videos...
Hi there, fellow hardcore Poke-fans. This is a bit overdue, since I joined almost 2 months ago, but anyways, I'll introduce myself now.

'Names Matt. I'm 16, I tend to Sketch, Draw, etc. I also play Hockey and I game. I found out about PokeBeach a while ago, I got all my Gen 5 information from there. I decided to make an account on the forums, and I now find out my Gen 6 information from here! Even if I play Hockey, I'm no Canadian. I'm American n' proud. (Not that I have anything against Canadians, of course!)
Hi. I'm thunderfox, I'm from Canada. Being playing pokemon since Gen 1 and have played atleast one game from each generation except 5.5. I just joined to have another place to talk about X & Y

Played hardcore for a year not too long ago. Stopped playing and all of my cards got cycled out. Trying to get back into it again :)
Hi I joined because I need some tips for the Pokemon TCG. For example, where to buy the old ex sets and new sets. I collect cards because I love pokemon, not because I am a competitive player. I mostly collect the cards for how they look, and right now am aiming towards getting my first pokemon star. I want to pull it from a pack though, so I am looking for good places to buy packs.
Shining Raikou said:
This is a thread for new members to introduce themselves. Post an introduction as well as things like:

  • why you joined
  • where you found out about PokéBeach
  • your interests
  • hobbies
  • anything else relevant

Want to say hello to new members? Please visit the member's profile and leave a comment there.

Welcome to PokéBeach! We hope you enjoy your stay! :)

PS: Older members who want to mention why they joined can use this thread:

Shining Raikou,

I joined because I love Poke'mon & e-mailing. I also love My Little Pony, Star Wars, & Harry Potter. I like to play soccer.
