Introduce Yourself!

Hey, I'm Sage.
I joined here after hearing about all the leaked info and stuff haha, so thats kinda part of the reason why I joined. Do many people battle on pokemon showdown here?
Hey, I'm mastermagpie and I joined because of the immanent release of Pokemon X and Y. I've been using the website since Gen IV was announced and have liked the fact that WPM posts reliable rumours or speculation.

I've been a Pokemon gamer since Pokemon Red back in the day.

I'm studying Computer Games Design at University and have been working on a game that looks a little like Portal... which is fun!

Thanks guys, see ya around!
Hey guys, new member here just asking a few questions about old cards. Also starting a youtube channel soon for old card booster pack openings!

Stay tuned!

I'm MAKINA and it's been awhile since I last played pokemon. To be quite fair I think my last pokemon game was HeartGold. I joined here because I like forums and because this new X and Y version got my attention. I just bought a 3ds xl and I'm looking forward to play the game when it comes out. And I found about this forum at 4chan... Quite a active topic there.

Hope I can learn some stuff here and in some other forums/fanpages Especially about EV's and IV's, back at my time I didn't even knew they were such a deep subject and it got my attention now.

I'm M.E.T.A.G.R.O.S.S.

I joined here because I like discussing Pokemon, and because I like to know what people think about my opinions, as well as saying what I think about their opinions. Also because of X and Y's recent rumors...

Last game I got was White...

See ya on the forums.
Hey guys
My name is Shino(not really...) and I really like to see and search for rumors of games,new Pokémon,TCG, or anything..
I really like sci-fi movies,books and comics,and also I like soccer...
So,thats it!
Live long and prosper =)
Hello there my username is GreenWhiter! but im sure that was easy to tell. I joined poke beach because i often check out this website for any new, news about pokemon. I'm an easy guy to get along with and i normally just play pokemon games i dont really play the pokemon card games they seem a little to complicated well thats in my opinion. So i just wanted to say hi!
Hello, I'm AwkwardKlutz. I registered because HYPE.

My favorite Pokémon types are Psychic, Poison and Ghost, by the way.
Hello, I'm Odd_Orange (or just Odd). I wanted to join a Pokemon forum and I like this one a lot, so I joined! I've been playing Pokemon since R/B and I am looking forward to X/Y.

Hey everyone, I'm Featherwick. I've always used Pokebeach for my pokemon news, and because of gen 6 I've decided to start posting and throw my two cents in. Can't really remember when I found out about Pokebeach, might have been back when gen 4 info was just starting to come out, but I can't remember for sure. As for interests obviously I love Pokemon, but other then that I love Golden Sun, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Breaking Bad, How I Met Your Mother, and The Walking Dead.
I'm Kururin, I've known about this place for years but never joined (I'm a member of another forum). I was prompted to join from 4chan's /vp/. I helped WPM get a trip and asked him some questions about TCPi and other stuff (Sorry the 4chan thing didn't work out). I'm actually here to learn more about the TCG though and discuss X/Y.
Hi I joined this website because of the recent leaked Pokemon X and Y information. I'm really excited for the new game and want to learn as much about it before the release! :)
Hello I'm pokemonguyaap.
I am pokemonguy on 6P and pokemonguyaap on Pokegym.
AAP stands for All Around Pokemon which is my YouTube group with PokemonPlayer101, thematteo0, Vablakes and Canoclone.
I am from the UK.
Hey guys spidervan here ^^

I am an avid pokemon fan playing since G/S/C.

My favorite pokemon is Zangoose.

I also like Playing Mincecraft,Call of Duty,RAGE,Super Smash Brothers,All Stars and Tekken.

I am also into graphics. Check my stuff out here! and here (Long story of why I have two :p )
Hi. ^_^ I am PyroPokeman. I am also a part of Marriland forums.
I grew up with Pokemon, and I have a love for fire type Pokemon.

I've been reading what's been going on for the last couple of days, and really admire WPM's work during all of this X and Y Insider action.
Hey guys I'm lee, I've been a big fan sice my first ever pokemon game (pokemon silver), my brother and i grew up with it and now a few years on I'm really excited for pokemon x and y. Bench sitting!!!!! Diagonal movement!!!
Hi. I'm DrEspeon and that is all you need to know about me...Oh and I came here to discuss X and Y.
Hello Members and Staff of Pokebeach~ I am Hikari Vantas. And may I say, this web-sit is very interesting to try.
why you joined: A friend HIGHLY recommended this page,plus it seems interesting.
where you found out about PokéBeach: A friend
your interests: Pokemon (obviously), and anime
hobbies: Drawing, videogames, ect.