Introduce Yourself!

Hi everyone. I'm _8air8_, and I am a new member to Pokebeach. I have been a fan of Pokemon since it was first introduced. I've played both the Trading Card and the Video games and I watch the TV show from time to time. I like Tabletop RPGs, Music, Woodcarving and playing guitar. I found this website when I needed to have a question answered online and I came across it. And I have been wanting to register since. Thanks for reading.
Sup, im from USA. I became interested in TCG when i was 12 and since then ive been collecting cards. I'm 16 now and I found this website while searching around for pokemon TCG related things. Ill probably check out trading and selling, all that good stuff here, anyways thanks for reading.
Hi there, guys! I'm ShinyEevee, and I knew about Pokebeach for quite a while. I mostly go here to read about the leaks and such.

Hm, well, you could call me a loser. XD I'm interested in mainly cartoons; Futurama, Adventure Time, Bob's Burgers, Gravity Falls, and Fairy Tail (Which is an anime.).

Um, my hobbies include being online, watching TV, drawing, painting, writing, and taking care of my new puppy, if that counts.

Anywho, I hope to make lots of great friends on here! ^^
Hi everyone, my name's Alex. And I came to pokebeach for the reason of trading cards since almost no one around me plays and the nearest league is an hour away and I depend on an adult
Hello. I am a new member. I have been using this sight since I started playing TCG competitively (2011) though I just joined the
I hope one day to be able to do well at a big event. So far both State Tournaments I went to my record was 5-3. hoping to improve for the next season.
One of my hobbies is running a Pokemon League and trying to help increase the Pokemon Community.
Well I suppose I might as well post here since I've never introduced myself before. The only time I came to his forum previously to post was to talk about that game PETA made (Black and Blue I think it was called).

Why I joined: Originally I joined to discuss the game PETA made.

Where you found out about PokéBeach: Google

Your interests: Programming and creating computer games. My college showcased my freshman game at the Penny Arcade Expo, which is similar to E3 but it's more casual and companies tend to show more rather than talk.

Hobbies: C++ and being the owner/webmaster of another forum. I also just love forums and being in discussions; because of this I'm currently active in about ten other forums right now.

Anything else: My favorite video game franchises other than Pokémon is Phoenix Wright and Paper Mario (I utterly despise Sticker Star however).
Hi everyone I'm Embyr. I've been a fan of pokemon since gen 1 and recently getting back into the tcg. I've played all the games and can't wait for X & Y. I'm hoping to learn more about the tcg and to see what has changed since fossil.

I found this site through google.

My hobbies are reading, drawing, playing video games and running. I also love movies.
Hello people im am a new memeber 14 years old interested in pokemon since when i was 8 years old.
Can't wait for X And Y.
Hi guys my name is Akbar!
I joined cuase you guys (community) are really helpfull and i would llike to help out also when i can and revive help as well.
This was my first year at playing pokemon ( i used to collect them when i was younger) and when i was at my state championships, many people recommended me to this site,
I Play Soccer, Run track, and play ultimate firsbee.
4x state champions my freshmen-senior year, now entiering as a freshmen in college :)
Thanks guys!
Hello everybody I'm Steve. Clearly I'm new
I'm 22 (Heck yeah I'm freakishly old) and I've been into Pokémon since the very beginning. (I was the proud owner of the first sold copy of Pokémon Blue in my city.)

As a 22 year old, yes, I'm in college. I recently graduated with an honors in environmental biology with a double minor in art and psychology. I will be returning to bring my degree towards a masters and look forward to a future in which I am an artist focusing on environmental scenery. I am the vice-president of my colleges art society as well as a member of the environmental group, game lovers group, and literature group.

Currently my only job is to provide works for the college art gallery while doing archival work for the fine arts department.

I love water, grass, ice, rock, and flying Pokémon, water above all, and my favorite Pokémon is Lotad (not kidding. As a Monet fan, water lillies have grown on me over the years and Lotad grew on me for that reason.)

Lastly, I do hope to get to talk with you all at one point or another, and I hope to enjoy my stay ( I'm sure I will )

Nice to meet you all :)
hi im zappy80 i like everything pokemon heard something about leaked info and was looking at posts for a couple of days and decided to join
FoxKin45 here. A semi-pro (I guess you an call it that?) player of the TCG. I have been playing for five years competitively and I just want to be able to help along others like the caring community did for me.
Ahoy, mates!

Captain BluLead, at yer service. Found meself here after scourin' the Seven Seas fer a good place ta rest me bones and talk about these card games wit the li'l creatures after me wee swabbie of a brother became fascinated with it. sea talk is still on..


Anyways, my little brother was interested in the Pokemon TCG, and being familiar with it back when it came out, I decided to get him going on a hobby of his own. However, this opened up a whole new world of stuff that I never even knew about and want to learn with him. It'll be one heck of an adventure!
Hi guys, doubt anyone remembers me now aha!
Randomly skipped onto this sight, lot of melancholy right now.
Might try and post abit, see ya around.
My name is Michael I joined from my friends told me I like sports and listening to music.
Well I joined pokebeach just to connect with other pokemon fans. Also I love to play the TCG and almost made the nationals cut but no cigar :(